How Many Eggs You Should Be Eating If You’re Over 50 – Health Digest
Westend61/Getty Images Eggs are often touted as a superfood. Dubbed the healthiest food you’ll find on earth by Healthline, they’re packed with nutrients like vitamin A, selenium, and a variety of B vitamins. However, if you’ve already turned 50, you might wonder how often you should consume eggs. […]
What You’re Really Sucking On When Chewing A Stick Of Gum – Health Digest
Science Photo Library/Getty Images While the nutritional value of various chewing gums will vary, the U.S. Department of Agriculture states that one stick of regular gum has around 11 calories, 3 grams of carbohydrates, and 2 grams of sugar. A stick of sugar-free gum has a little over […]
Here’s What You Should Eat When You’re Over 50 To Reduce Depression Later In Life – Health Digest
Ariel Skelley/Getty Images When you were younger, your body was more forgiving after eating buffalo wings with a side of fries. But as your metabolism changes with age, you begin to think again about what you put on your plate. Sometimes a low-carb diet or intermittent fasting could […]
How Much Sleep You Need When You’re 50 Or Older For Healthy Aging – Health Digest During the decades when you worked, your sleep patterns were probably consistent, aside from occasional sleepless nights when the children were sick. If you’re over 50, you might notice you’re going to bed a little earlier than when you were in your 20s or 30s. You don’t quite […]
What You Should Know About Taking Cholesterol Medication If You’re Over 50 – Health Digest
Lifestyle changes can be a good alternative to cholesterol medication for many. You’ll want to eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats and low in sugar and refined carbohydrates, according to Noorda. “Reducing intake of sugary foods, white bread, and processed snacks can have a positive impact on cholesterol levels.” Adding probiotic-rich […]
The Best Time To Eat Carbohydrates If You’re 50 Or Older – Health Digest
Morsa Images/Getty Images If you’re over 50, it’s critical to keep an eye on your blood sugar. You’re more likely to develop type 2 diabetes when you get older because your body becomes more insulin resistant and your pancreas (which produces insulin) becomes less efficient. When you eat […]
The Underrated Exercise That’s Proven To Boost Your Sex Life If You’re Over 50 – Health Digest
Ascentxmedia/Getty Images Exercise is good for you at any age but if you’re over 50, keeping physically fit takes on a whole other meaning. It’s about staving off disease, keeping your cognitive capabilities strong, boosting your mental health, and remaining confident in your body. Swimming, in particular, is […]
When You Have Sex While You’re Constipated, This Is What Happens – Health Digest
Erdark/Getty Images Feeling bloated and backed up may not exactly put us in the mood, but if you were hoping that a little action might offer some relief, we’re sorry to say that having sex when you’re constipated may potentially make things worse. Women and young adults tend […]
The Healthiest Way To Eat Pasta If You’re 50 Or Older – Health Digest
Pasta has a GI of 50, which is considered low, but that doesn’t mean it has little impact on your blood sugar. Glycemic load (GL) considers how much carbohydrate is in a portion of the food, so a larger serving of a low GI food can still cause your blood sugar to rise. Pasta has […]
The Toilet Paper Mistake You Never Knew Could Worsen Hemorrhoids (Especially If You’re Over 50) – Health Digest
Even if you’re actively treating hemorrhoids, wiping with dry toilet paper can derail any improvements. Hemorrhoid tissue is sensitive to begin with, and raking the area with a handful of dry toilet paper may prompt itching, bleeding, or burning sensations, according to Advanced Hemorrhoid Specialists. The greater the irritation, the longer hemorrhoids are likely to […]