10 ways to improve your career mindset – Healthista
What mindset do you need to adopt to get ahead in your career? Dr Maurice Duffy, a renowned mindset strength expert and elite coach explains 10 ways you can improve your career mindset
Most people recognize that doing things better and faster are the foundations of sustainable competitive advantage in business these days.
But for your career, the question always is where to focus? What horses to back? What makes you a winning proposition? What are the things that hold back?
In the coaching I do with serious business leaders, international sports stars, success in the words of the very famous coach Yogi Berra ‘is 90% mental and the other half is physical’.
Well, let me give you a silver bullet to your career success.
Mindset is everything and if you do not consciously adopt a mindset, one is subconsciously adopted for you. Another way to look at this is where your thinking goes, your energy goes, and your success or failure follows.
As you adapt to an open mindset to your career, you will strengthen the mentality and it will become second nature
Whether you’re talking about career success, starting your own business, looking to be a sports star, having the right mindset can make all the difference between success and failure.
A fixed mindset assumes that our intelligence, character, and creative ability are static. Basically, you are dealt a hand in life and you are now required to accept it. Believing that your qualities are set in stone creates a desire to prove yourself over and over again. A fixed mindset can result in career stagnation.
On the other hand, a growth mindset is based on the idea that your essential qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. It assumes rightly that everyone can change and grow through experience and practice. A Growth Mindset sees failure not as the opposite to success but as part of success.
As you adapt to an open mindset to your career, you will strengthen the mentality and it will become second nature. You’ll feel inspired and inspire others. It can also help you look at every situation’s positive side, help you adapt, and encourage you to be successful in your career.
READ MORE: Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset – which one leads to success?
Here are some tips to improve your Career Mindset…
#1 Rethink your professional goals
Having professional goals to work towards can really help you advance your career. If you’re bored with life and you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have big enough goals.
The trouble with not having a big enough goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score and 2023 is just a repeat of 2022.
#2 Bin the past
Stop ruminating in your mind over what happened. Its done! The past is a place of reference, not residency. Learn and move on. Stop waiting for the apology that will never come. Stop replaying ‘what ifs’ in your brain.
#3 Throw Your Hat in The Ring
You want a promotion? Say so. And then do the work to prepare yourself. Take the risk to go for success. The only limit you have to deal with is the limit of your thinking.
READ MORE: ‘Don’t tell me to cheer up’ – 10 positive mindset steps for your Mental Health
#4 Ask For Robust Feedback to Stimulate Real Growth
Keep track of how you’re performing. Asking for feedback can be extremely helpful for personal growth, and it brings with it learning opportunities.
Just make sure you’re prepared to hear critique; if you become combative or defensive, people might not be as willing to give you feedback in the future.
#5 Learn Repeat Learn
You have to unlearn to learn. Don’t be just curious. Engage to learn and be prepared to adapt behaviours.
#6 Post it Note
Write on your bathroom mirror your two goals for the day and keep them short. One this will be my learning focus today. This will be my unlearning focus today.
READ MORE: What is a positive mindset and why is it good for our health?
#7 Be Present in Everything you do
Tell your critical brain and the chattering monkey in your brain to shut up and if you are in a room, be in a room. This will seriously help your focus on Learning, Engagement skills, and improve your relationships.
#8 Make new connections
Get out there and get involved. People think of networking as finding people who can help them. No, it’s in giving that you receive. Networking is
#9 Improve your to-do list
Stop writing the 100 things you need to do. Write the top ten things and then prioritizing the top three things that will have impact.
Do them now. Do them first. Make sure they stretch us and they provide learning opportunities.
#10 Build your personal brand
Your personal brand is a reflection of yourself, your experience, and the knowledge that you possess. If you don’t have a brand, it’s time to start building one.
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