Why Not Being Able To Fart Could Be A Serious Warning Sign – Health Digest
Dr. Ganjhu explained that our lower gastrointestinal tract contains two sets of muscles known as the internal and external sphincters (via Self). While the internal sphincter functions autonomically, the external sphincter is a voluntary muscle, which is why we can clench up our rear end when trying to conceal a fart. When a fart is imminent, the internal sphincter communicates with the external sphincter telling it to relax and allow for the passing of gas. Yet if we’re feeling stressed, our muscles tend to remain tense, including the external sphincter. If this muscle remains constricted, you might not be able to fart.
A stopped-up fart related to stress isn’t generally a health concern and it will inevitably relieve itself at some point or another. To help it along, try a few relaxation techniques, getting up and moving about, or giving your abdomen a light massage. In more serious cases, however, a stuck fart may be a warning sign of a bowel obstruction in need of medical attention, says Johns Hopkins Medicine.