These Brain Parasites Are More Common Than You’d Expect – Health Digest
While toxocariasis and neurocysticercosis share some similarities, they have their distinct differences. Toxocariasis infections are borne from the Toxocara roundworm, a parasite whose eggs can be found in contaminated dirt and soil (via U.S. News & World Report). If ingested by humans, the eggs can make their way into the intestines where the larvae may hatch. The parasite can then make its way into the lungs or brain, prompting respiratory issues, seizures, or developmental delays.
A few more steps are involved in cases of neurocysticercosis infection. Like toxocariasis, a tapeworm infection can also prompt seizures. If the tapeworm resides in the gut of someone in close proximity to you, and the person sheds the eggs through excrement, and you were to ingest the eggs, this can lead to neurocysticercosis. While living, the larval tapeworm sets up camp in the brain, unbeknownst to the body. Once the parasite dies, it can no longer evade detection by our immune system, which defends itself with an inflammatory response in the brain, subsequently prompting a seizure disorder. Scientific American adds that this infection stems specifically from the pork tapeworm, which humans may first become infected with from consuming contaminated pork that hasn’t been properly cooked. Again, requiring a second step, a person would then need to ingest that individual’s contaminated fecal matter to be susceptible to the brain infection — yet another reason to be vigilant about proper hand-washing.