When A Man Gets A Prostate Massage, This Is What Happens – Health Digest
Over time, men can encounter a wide array of issues involving the prostate, the walnut-shaped organ located underneath the bladder (via Rex MD). As men age, the prostate can become enlarged or inflamed, blocking the flow of urine and causing painful ejaculation. Prostate issues can also, in some cases, lead to erectile dysfunction and sexual problems. As such, one possible recommended solution for prostate issues is prostate massage.
A prostate massage can be performed for a number of reasons, although it is not something that is generally practiced in the medical community (via Healthline). That said, it can be occasionally performed by a doctor as a means of relieving symptoms of such conditions as prostatitis and painful ejaculation. The massage may be able to produce fluid, which can help clear the ducts and allow fluid to flow more freely and reduce blockages and discomfort. Stimulation of the prostate can also be pleasurable for some men, and certain prostate massagers are even marketed as sex toys. However, no one should attempt to perform a prostate massage without some degree of training or discussing it with a healthcare professional first. But, whether you try it at your doctor’s office or at home, here are a few things that a prostate massage could help with.
Relief from prostatitis
According to the Mayo Clinic, prostatitis generally occurs as a result of inflammation in the prostate. It can flare up as a result of a bacterial infection or, in some cases, the prostate can simply become inflamed on its own with no evidence of infection. The condition can cause a wide array of symptoms, including a frequent urge to urinate, testicle and penile pain, and painful urination and ejaculation.
A 1999 study published in Techniques in Urology reported that patients who received a prostate massage for prostatitis showed that nearly half showed a better than 60% decrease in the severity of their prostatitis symptoms. After two years, nearly 20% of patients saw significant improvement in both the frequency and severity of their symptoms. Doctors who elect to perform a prostate massage to relieve prostatitis symptoms may drain fluid, which can help alleviate discomfort (via Medical News Today). Doctors can also then examine the fluid, known as expressed prostatic secretion, to look for signs of infection.
Improved urine flow
Many men, particularly as they enter their 50s, can find that their prostate becomes enlarged (via InformedHealth). This enlargement is usually benign, but can cause urinary issues that can range from inconvenient to disruptive. Men over 50 often report having to get up multiple times a night to urinate due to the prostate pushing against the bladder and urethra. In addition, it can create a weaker stream and cause urine to leak out even after one has finished going.
An enlarged prostate is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and, according to the Georgia Prostate Institute, there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that a prostate massage can help manage some of the condition’s symptoms. It could help bring down prostate swelling and reduce pressure on the urethra, and also improve the flow of urine while simultaneously helping manage the ability to start and stop urinating. However, the Institute also notes that there are experts who discount the medical benefits of prostate massage. It’s wise to consult a healthcare professional to weigh your options before considering a prostate massage for BPH.
Improved circulation
Blood flow is critical to prostate health, and a lack of circulation can lead to a host of issues over time. A 2005 study published in BJU International showed that poor blood flow can play a significant role in the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction. In the study, men who suffered from BPH had less blood flow to the prostate than those who did not have BPH.
Additionally, there are some instances in which increased blood flow can be an issue. A 2000 study published in the Journal of Urology showed that men who suffered from chronic prostatitis and pelvic pain syndrome had higher than normal blood flow to certain areas of the prostate, particularly the outer layer. According to Dr. Emin Ozebek, a prostate massage can potentially help to properly manage the flow of blood to the region. The influx of oxygen and immune cells stimulated by the improved circulation can help with reducing inflammation and managing the symptoms of BPH and chronic prostatitis.
Expressing prostate fluid
One of the symptoms of a prostate-related issue can be a buildup of fluid in the prostate. Per the Canadian Cancer Society, the enzyme-rich fluid produced by the prostate is key in the nourishment of a man’s sperm. During sexual activity, this fluid is pushed through the prostate ducts and into the urethra, where it is eventually released during ejaculation. In some cases, the prostate ducts can become clogged, particularly in cases of prostatitis or as a result of infrequent ejaculation (via Inland Urology).
According to a 2023 study published in Research and Reports in Urology, 48 patients were treated with prostate massages using rectal probe vibration therapy. After the treatment, urine samples collected showed clusters of old white blood cells, mineral deposits, and non-active sperm. This indicated to the researchers that the prostate massage may have been helpful in clearing out blocked-up material from the prostate and its ducts. As such, they concluded that prostate massage could be useful therapy in treating cases of chronic prostatitis.
Possible reduction in pain
One particularly unpleasant offshoot of prostatitis is a condition known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome, or CPPS. It’s marked by a number of different symptoms, including genital pain, pain during or after sex, or even pain while sitting (via Physiopedia). The condition tends to affect younger men, with the average age of those afflicted being around 43 years old, impacting anywhere from two to 16% of men in the United States.
According to a 2013 study published in Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, men who suffered from CPPS and received a prostate massage saw their symptoms reduced and everything from their sexual performance to their mental state improved. Additionally, the patients who had their prostates massaged discharged fluid, sediment, and coagulation, which eased painful swelling and inflammation. Overall, the rate of effectiveness of prostate massage for the symptoms of chronic pelvic pain syndrome was more than 70%.
Improved erectile function
Men who suffer from prostate conditions may also find that it can become difficult to get or maintain an erection. According to Harvard Health, conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia could lead to erectile problems, although not from the condition itself but from some of the treatments such as finasteride. Additionally, severe cases of prostatitis can cause sexual problems such as painful ejaculation and erectile issues.
A prostate massage can clear blockage in the ducts and stimulate the flow of blood, all of which can aid in treating erectile dysfunction (per Healthline). Initial studies into using this form of treatment have shown promise. However, more research is required before it can be regarded as a definitive method of treating erectile problems. If you are suffering from erectile issues, it’s advisable to discuss it with your doctor. He or she may recommend other courses of treatment, such as medication, before resorting to a prostate massage.
Relief from painful ejaculation
One of the side effects that can affect men who suffer from inflammation of the prostate is painful ejaculation. According to Medical News Today, ejaculatory pain can be felt before, during, or after ejaculation and can affect everywhere from the penis to the bladder and even the rectum. The pain can vary in degrees and, in some cases, can be very strong and intense. It can also last as long as 24 hours.
Inflammation of the prostate can be managed by prostate massage, potentially alleviating the symptoms of painful ejaculation. Additionally, an inflamed prostate can cause the pelvic floor muscles to tighten, which can also make ejaculations painful. A prostate massage can help relieve tension and ease painful ejaculation symptoms. However, it must be emphasized that treating pelvic floor conditions, particularly via prostate massage, is something that should be undertaken by a professional who knows what they’re doing.
A risk of injury or infection
Although there can be benefits to a prostate massage, there can also be risks. MedicineNet notes a prostate massage performed by someone who is not trained may inadvertently apply too much pressure to the area, causing damage to the reproductive system. It could also make one’s symptoms worse or even cause entirely new ones to spring up. A 2003 case study published in Die Urologie discussed a case of a patient who received a prostate massage for chronic prostatitis. Following the massage, the patient developed a periprostatic hemorrhage requiring hospitalization.
In addition, patients who are suffering from acute bacterial prostatitis should avoid having their prostate massaged. According to American Family Physician, the massage could cause bacteria to spread to the urinary tract. A 2015 report published in Case Reports in Transplantation noted that prostate massage also could trigger septic shock in patients with bacterial prostatitis.
Aggravating hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids, a condition marked by the swelling of veins in the anus and rectum, can be a painful, uncomfortable condition (via the Mayo Clinic). It can cause a wide range of unpleasant symptoms, including itching, pain, swelling, and bleeding. In serious cases, a person can develop a blood clot, known as a thrombus, which is often marked by extreme pain and swelling.
According to the Georgia Prostate Institute, there is a chance that prostate massage could actually make your hemorrhoids worse and could even injure your rectum. Dr. Emin Ozbek concurs, noting that the insertion of a finger into the rectum can lead to pain and discomfort for patients suffering from either hemorrhoids or anal fissures. For people who are also experiencing rectal bleeding or inflammation, they can find those conditions similarly exacerbated by a prostate massage. As such, it is recommended that anyone considering a prostate massage for any reason should first consult with their doctor and not attempt it either themselves or with someone who is not a trained professional.