What Happens To Your Eyes When A Bright Camera Flashes – Health Digest
Generally speaking, the effects of a bright camera flash on our eyes are short-lived. Experts at Optimax Eye Surgery note that it would likely take anywhere from 30 to 100 seconds of prolonged light exposure to put us at risk for eye damage. Because the flash of a camera lasts less than one second in duration, there would be no harm done even if a person were to take several photos of you back to back. Additionally, most cameras utilize low-wattage LED bulbs, which aren’t powerful enough to damage our vision.
Physical distance provides another layer of protection when it comes to flashing photo lights. Odds are, you’re not positioning your eye right up against the camera lens. Rather, you’re probably several feet back. The further away you are from the camera, the more the intensity of the flash weakens. For example, a person standing four feet back from a camera receives only 1/16 of the strength of light a person standing one foot away would be exposed to.