10 Celebrities That Have Admitted To Taking Ozempic (And Similar Medications) – Health Digest
In a candid interview on her talk show, “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” Clarkson answered long-standing speculation about her dramatic weight loss (via NBC News). Speaking with Whoopi Goldberg, the talk show host and “American Idol” winner admitted to taking a weight loss drug, because of troubling bloodwork results. However, she did not clarify which drug she was taking. “Everyone thinks it’s Ozempic,” she said. “It’s not.”
Initially, Clarkson was hesitant about taking the medication, she said in an interview in People. “My doctor chased me for, like, two years, and I was like, ‘No, I’m afraid of it. I already have thyroid problems,'” she said. Then, after being diagnosed as pre-diabetic in January, Clarkson had a moment of clarity after playing back the show she taped for her birthday. It was then that she really saw herself and the risk her health was in. “You see it and you’re like, ‘Well, she’s about to die of a heart attack,'” she said. In addition to medication, Clarkson said that she also focused on what she ate and being more active to help her drop the weight.