Warning Signs In Your Baby’s Poop You Shouldn’t Ignore – Health Digest
Keeping your baby hydrated is vital to preventing constipation, a common concern in infants (per theĀ AAP). If you notice hard, dry stools or signs of discomfort during bowel movements, make sure your baby is getting enough fluids. If your baby is six months of age or older, you can offer them water or diluted fruit juice to keep them hydrated. Additionally, incorporating fruits, vegetables, and other fiber-rich foods into your baby’s diet can help prevent constipation.
As your little one grows, introducing solid foods becomes a big milestone. According to Penn Medicine, changes in your baby’s poop can be a sign of allergies or sensitivities to certain foods. If you introduce new foods and notice adverse reactions like persistent diarrhea or blood in the stool, don’t hesitate to consult your pediatrician to identify potential allergens and adjust your little one’s diet accordingly.
If you notice warning signs like prolonged diarrhea or blood in stool, seek help from your healthcare provider immediately. Unusual consistency, foul odor, or changes in feeding patterns also call for medical guidance. Being proactive about your little one’s well-being ensures a happy and healthy diaper journey for both baby and parents.