Here’s How Long You’re Contagious After Getting Norovirus – Health Digest
There is also no specific treatment for norovirus, except managing symptoms as you would with the flu.
Once you have the virus, dehydration becomes a serious concern, so replenishing with electrolytes and fluids is key. It is also important to watch out for severe dehydration symptoms like fatigue, dry mouth and throat, decreased urine output, listlessness, and dizziness. Smaller children, elderly people, and people with other health conditions could be particularly impacted by dehydration and even require urgent medical attention. As for other things you can do, getting plenty of rest and consuming soft foods that won’t irritate your stomach make up the list.
Since closed and crowded environments like schools, hospitals, and childcare centers are prime environments for the spread of norovirus, living, studying, eating, and playing in close quarters with others become obvious risk factors. If you notice symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea in your child, don’t send them to school or daycare. If you work in a hospital, food establishment, or nursing home setting, you should stay home from work for at least 2-3 days after you’ve recovered. Preventing norovirus in children and adults is about practicing proper hand-washing habits, rinsing fruits and vegetables well, and avoiding consuming food prepared by someone with an infection. Fish and shellfish can accumulate the virus in their systems simply because they exist in contaminated water. Cooking seafood thoroughly can help mitigate risks too.