What It Means When Men Experience After-Dribble When Peeing – Health Digest
In some cases, after-dribble may be indicative of an enlarged prostate, according to experts at Urological Associates. Beginning in one’s 20s, the prostate never stops growing. In the event that the organ becomes too large to the point of causing urinary symptoms, such as after-dribble, this is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Experiencing after-dribble could also mean that a person has a weak pelvic floor. In fact, researchers from the 2019 scientific review point out that having weak pelvic floor muscles is the primary factor associated with post-micturition incontinence. This muscle weakness can develop for a number of reasons and has been seen in connection with chronic coughing, being overweight, straining during a bowel movement, surgery, and engaging in routine heavy lifting in one’s line of work. While the research is mixed, some studies have also linked after-dribble with erectile dysfunction.