What It Means When Your Ears Ring After Having Sex – Health Digest
Yurii Yarema/Getty Images When we have sex a lot of things happen to our body. Blood rushes to our genitals, our heart starts racing, our breathing quickens, our muscles contract, we sometimes sweat in places that don’t usually sweat (sweaty shins, anyone?), and as we get closer and […]
What It Means If You Pee During Sex – Health Digest
Skynesher/Getty Images Separately, a person’s sexual activity and their bodily excretions already make for uncomfortable topics. Talking about them together, unsurprisingly, can create some nightmarishly awkward conversations. But what if they happen at the same time? Is it even possible for a person to unintentionally urinate while in […]
What It Means When A Man Has A Large Prostate Volume – Health Digest
Fotodelux/Getty Images The prostate sits just below a man’s bladder and produces some of the fluid in semen. A healthy prostate is about the size of a walnut and weighs about 20 grams, which is about the weight of an AA battery. As a man ages, his prostate […]
What It Means When You Hear Your Heart Beat Before Falling Asleep – Health Digest
Kmpzzz/Shutterstock You put your head on your pillow and close your eyes. Then, you hear it: a thumping sound that seems to coincide with the rhythm of your heartbeat. It’s a strange sensation — and after it happens a couple of times, you start to wonder if it could […]
What It Means When Your Ears Ring After Exercising – Health Digest
Bymuratdeniz/Getty Images You just finished an intense gym session. You feel sweaty but satisfied, until it begins: A nagging ringing in your ears. Whether it’s a fleeting annoyance or a constant nuisance, you want the exercise-induced whine to go away. You also want to know if it’s a […]
What It Means When Someone Is Facing Imminent Death – Health Digest
Dorde Krstic/Shutterstock As a loved one draws closer to the end of their life, it’s not uncommon for friends and family members to question just how long they have left. While it can be difficult to predict exactly when someone will pass, the Palliative Care Network of Wisconsin notes that […]
What An ‘Eggplant Deformity’ Sex Injury Means For A Man’s Health – Health Digest
Martin-dm/Getty Images Aching backs, muscle pulls, and carpet burns are some of the common sex injuries people face. After all, sex can be a vigorous activity. It’s no wonder that some people think it counts as moderate exercise. Sometimes, though, an injury can be a lot more serious […]
What It Means When It Takes A While For Men To Start Peeing – Health Digest
Ferlistockphoto/Getty Images Every once in a while, you might feel the urge to pee but find that it takes a moment or two to get things flowing. Maybe it’s the awkwardness that comes with using a public restroom or it’s your friend or family member who’s talking to […]
What It Means If Eating Peanut Butter Makes You Feel Gassy – Health Digest
Anut21ng Stock/Shutterstock Biting into a moist peanut butter cookie, tasting a drizzle of Thai peanut sauce, or snacking on a scoop of peanut butter straight from the jar brings us nothing but pure joy. For some people, however, the creamy nut butter alternatively brings about an upset stomach. […]
What It Means When Your Mole Grows A Hair – Health Digest
Antenna/Getty Images Even if we didn’t know the scientific definition of a mole, we’ve all seen one, either on ourselves or on someone else. People typically get moles during childhood, but it is possible for you to develop one when you’re an adult too. Moles are a group […]