26 Jul, 2024
4 mins read

Science Says These Are The Best Foods To Eat If You Have Insomnia – Health Digest

Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock Getting your recommended seven hours of sleep doesn’t always come easy. Stress, alcohol, pain, and some medications can cause you to stare wide awake at your clock for several hours. While everyone might experience an occasional sleepless night, a 2019 article in the Journal of Clinical Sleep […]

4 mins read

Men Over 50 Should Avoid Eating This Cheese Every Day (And Eat This Instead) – Health Digest

Enigma_images/Getty Images Few lunch staples are as commonplace as a fresh ham and cheese sandwich or juicy cheeseburger loaded with fresh toppings. Yet if you’re a man over 50, you’ll want to be careful about the type of cheese you’re tossing on your bun. That “cheese” might not […]

1 min read

The Healthiest Midnight Snacks You Can Eat For A Better Night’s Sleep – Health Digest

Maggie Moon’s first healthy midnight snack suggestion is a ¼ cup of walnuts mixed with chopped kiwi. As a staple of the sleep-friendly Mediterranean diet, walnuts contain both melatonin and magnesium, two sleep-promoting nutrients. Citing a recent 2021 study published in the Annual Review of Nutrition, Moon tells us, “Walnuts and kiwi both contain serotonin, […]

1 min read

The 3 Best Proteins You Can Eat To Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Although adding chickpeas, walnuts, and oats to your weekly meals is a good first step toward controlling cholesterol, you can do more. For example, Lydon suggests increasing your soluble fiber intake with some of your favorite types of grains, nuts, and produce. “Many people fall short of the recommended daily amount of fiber intake, which […]

1 min read

The Healthiest Way To Eat Pasta If You’re 50 Or Older – Health Digest

Pasta has a GI of 50, which is considered low, but that doesn’t mean it has little impact on your blood sugar. Glycemic load (GL) considers how much carbohydrate is in a portion of the food, so a larger serving of a low GI food can still cause your blood sugar to rise. Pasta has […]

1 min read

Why You Should Eat Honey As A Pre-Workout Snack Before Exercising – Health Digest

About 80-85% of honey is comprised of carbohydrates (primarily fructose and glucose). Fructose and glucose are simple carbs, and these naturally occurring sugars are what give honey its energy-boosting properties. “Honey is a simple carb that is quickly digested and absorbed into the bloodstream. Eating simple carbs before an endurance workout offers a quick energy boost,” explained New […]

1 min read

When You Eat Peanut Butter With Oatmeal, This Is What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest

Recent diet trends will have you eating crazy amounts of fat or protein, but a more balanced approach is better for your weight loss goals. You need some protein in your diet to preserve and repair muscles, so aim for between 20% and 30% of your daily calories to come from this macronutrient, suggests Cedars […]

1 min read

Men And Women Over 50 Should Eat These Proteins For Healthy Aging – Health Digest

Wrinkles and graying hair are not the only changes that occur with age. Your capacity to absorb important vitamins and minerals from food also diminishes, per Howard D. Sesso, director of nutrition research and an associate epidemiologist at the division of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (via AARP). “Vitamin B12 is one of the […]

1 min read

Strange Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Alone Every Day – Health Digest

Eating alone and social isolation in general can have drastic effects on you, not just physically, but mentally as well. A 2019 study published in Brain, Behavior and Immunity showed that, when exposed to Salmonella typhi bacteria, lonely people experienced an overactive immune response. In addition, people who are socially disengaged can produce more chemicals in […]

1 min read

What Happens To Your Blood Pressure When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day – Health Digest

Oatmeal might be a good source of iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium, but other nutrients in oatmeal work together to lower blood pressure. According to a 2022 review in Nutrients, compounds called “avenanthramides” and “phenolic acids” boost nitric oxide in your blood vessels to improve blood flow. These compounds also reduce the inflammation and oxidative […]