27 Jul, 2024
1 min read

The 3 Best Proteins You Can Eat To Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Although adding chickpeas, walnuts, and oats to your weekly meals is a good first step toward controlling cholesterol, you can do more. For example, Lydon suggests increasing your soluble fiber intake with some of your favorite types of grains, nuts, and produce. “Many people fall short of the recommended daily amount of fiber intake, which […]

1 min read

The Popular Breakfast Food That Can Lower Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Experts point toward a soluble fiber you can find in oats for its cholesterol-lowering properties called beta-glucan. As registered dietician Novella Lui explained, “Soluble fiber dissolves in water, turning into a gel and acting as a sponge that binds to cholesterol and fats and removing them from the blood stream to be excreted,” (via EatingWell). Further, beta-glucan […]

1 min read

If This Happens To Your Toe, You Might Have A Serious Cholesterol Problem – Health Digest

Blue toe syndrome refers to the bluing of one or more toes that occurs due to reduced circulation from arterial obstruction, according to a 2023 research article published in BMJ Case Reports. This discoloration is often accompanied by pain or tenderness, and cholesterol emboli are most often the cause. Such was the case for a […]

4 mins read

The Little-Known Squash That Can Help Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Real_life_photo/Shutterstock Summer is that time when you go into a grocery store and see lots of fruits and vegetables in the produce aisle that you’ve not seen in ages. It is also the time when you realize that you don’t know about all the green goodness that’s out there. Enter the chayote (scientific name: Sechium edule), […]

1 min read

The High Protein Breakfast Food That Can Naturally Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Beans for breakfast? Of course. Beans are a popular breakfast food in Latin America, Africa, and Great Britain. Huevos rancheros are typically made with eggs, tortillas, beans, and salsa. A 2021 study in The Journal of Nutrition had people with high cholesterol eat either a cup of beans, a half cup of beans, or a cup […]

3 mins read

Eat This Powerful Protein To Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol Profile – Health Digest

Art_Photo/Shutterstock While it’s important to watch your cholesterol levels, another important measure is your triglycerides. Triglycerides are fats stored in fat cells that are released when your body needs some energy. Like cholesterol, a high level of triglycerides in your body could narrow your arteries and lead to heart disease or stroke. Lowering your triglyceride […]

1 min read

High Cholesterol Has An Unexpected Link To This Painful Condition – Health Digest

Gout is a form of arthritis that develops when your kidneys can’t handle the excess amount of uric acid in your system. A gout attack occurs when uric acid crystals form and settle into your joints, usually the big toe. Gout attacks can last for a week or two, and they can be quite painful […]

1 min read

Can High Cholesterol Cause Skin Tags? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest

As explained by general practitioner specializing in dermatology, Dr. Finbar McGrady, via YouTube, metabolic syndrome is like the perfect storm that wreaks havoc on your body. Abdominal obesity, elevated levels of triglycerides, low levels of “good” cholesterol or high-density lipoproteins (HDLs), high blood pressure, and elevated levels of fasting blood sugar coming together in metabolic […]

1 min read

Eating This Fruit Can Help You Poop And Lower Cholesterol At The Same Time – Health Digest

As WebMD experts explain, prunes are abundant in both insoluble fiber and sorbitol, which are excellent for remedying constipation: The former adds bulk to your stools and makes the process of passing them through your intestines much easier, while the latter is a natural laxative. Plus, the benefits of dried plums on bowel movement can […]

1 min read

Eat This Vegetable To Lower High Cholesterol And High Blood Pressure At The Same Time – Health Digest

While it may not be the first leafy green vegetable most of us reach for, Cleveland Clinic experts explain that cabbage can simultaneously lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Let’s take a look at cholesterol first. Researchers from a 2016 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that dietary supplementation of red […]