27 Jul, 2024
4 mins read

Eating Potatoes Every Day Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Blood Pressure – Health Digest

Standret/Getty Images Potatoes generally get a bad rap. They’re a rich source of carbohydrates and they come packaged as yummy delights like potato chips or mashed potatoes which we end up eating a lot of. This can easily become a source of weight gain and other health concerns. […]

4 mins read

Men Over 50 Should Avoid Eating This Cheese Every Day (And Eat This Instead) – Health Digest

Enigma_images/Getty Images Few lunch staples are as commonplace as a fresh ham and cheese sandwich or juicy cheeseburger loaded with fresh toppings. Yet if you’re a man over 50, you’ll want to be careful about the type of cheese you’re tossing on your bun. That “cheese” might not […]

1 min read

Why You Should Avoid Eating Canned Tuna Every Day – Health Digest

Canned tuna isn’t a terrible ingredient for you or your children. It’s a solid superfood that’s great if you want to stay fit and fuel your muscles. As the U.S. Department of Agriculture notes, 3 ounces of tuna will cost you less than 100 calories, delivers an impressive 21.7 grams of protein, and offers up […]

1 min read

Strange Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Alone Every Day – Health Digest

Eating alone and social isolation in general can have drastic effects on you, not just physically, but mentally as well. A 2019 study published in Brain, Behavior and Immunity showed that, when exposed to Salmonella typhi bacteria, lonely people experienced an overactive immune response. In addition, people who are socially disengaged can produce more chemicals in […]

1 min read

What Happens To Your Blood Pressure When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day – Health Digest

Oatmeal might be a good source of iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium, but other nutrients in oatmeal work together to lower blood pressure. According to a 2022 review in Nutrients, compounds called “avenanthramides” and “phenolic acids” boost nitric oxide in your blood vessels to improve blood flow. These compounds also reduce the inflammation and oxidative […]

1 min read

Foods High In Omega-6 You Should Avoid Eating Every Day – Health Digest

You’ll find omega-6s in many types of cooking oil. Some might sound healthy, but they aren’t in terms of cooling inflammation. Sunflower oil is used to make potato chips and some cookies, and it’s relatively low in saturated fat. However, it has an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 775 to 1. Some fried foods, packaged […]

1 min read

When You Smoke Marijuana Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Immune System – Health Digest

Experts have a few theories. According to microbiology and pathology professor at the University of South Carolina, Prakash Nagarkatti who’s done research on the topic, “the key to this suppression is a unique type of immune cell” called myeloid-derived suppressor cells or MDSCs (via Science Daily). An increased level of MDSCs is thought to be present in people with […]

1 min read

When You Drink Coffee Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Kidney Stone Risk – Health Digest

Researchers from a 2022 study published in Frontiers in Nutrition analyzed the relationship between caffeine consumption and kidney stone risk in over 30,000 participants with a medical history of kidney stones. The study findings showed a connection between caffeine consumption and a reduced risk for developing kidney stones. However this link was only observed in […]

1 min read

Vegetables You Shouldn’t Eat Every Day – Health Digest

Oxalates are naturally occurring compounds found in some foods that bind to minerals in your body, and while they aren’t necessarily bad, high amounts of oxalates can pose problems for people with kidney disease or kidney stones. Most kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones, and they develop when excess oxalates bind with calcium in your kidneys. Vegetables […]

1 min read

The Cholesterol-Lowering Food You Can (And Should) Eat Every Day – Health Digest

Plant sterols and stanols are two types of phytosterols. Research shows that phytosterols can cut down the amount of cholesterol absorbed into our intestines by half, according to a 2017 scientific review published in Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia. This produces reductions in LDL cholesterol levels, otherwise known as “bad” cholesterol. In addition, phytosterols are also […]