27 Jul, 2024
1 min read

Can Eating Cashews Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest

In addition to potentially lowering the risk of cancer to begin with, findings from a 2018 observational study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology suggested that nut consumption may also impact cancer recurrence and survival rates of certain site-specific cancers — specifically, colon cancer. Researchers analyzed the diets of more than 800 patients who […]

1 min read

Eat This Tropical Fruit To Help Reduce Your Risk Of Kidney Stones – Health Digest

It might sound confusing that fruits high in citric acid can turn your urine less acidic, but the acid in foods doesn’t necessarily equate to more acid in your body’s metabolic processes. That has to do with how much protein, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are being consumed, all of which contribute to the potential […]

1 min read

Can TikTok’s Viral Cortisol Drink Actually Reduce Your Stress Levels? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest

Among other hormones, our adrenal glands produce cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone, explains the Cleveland Clinic. The first ingredient in the adrenal cocktail — vitamin C — may help lower levels of cortisol in the body. Findings of an early 1999 study presented to the American Chemical Society showed that rats who were fed […]

1 min read

The Unique Fat That Can Reduce Your Risk Of Early Death – Health Digest

A tablespoon of flaxseed oil provides 7.2 grams of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is more than four times the daily recommended amount. Having more ALA in your diet through foods like flaxseed oil can reduce your early death risk according to a 2021 article in The BMJ. You can also lower your risk of death […]

1 min read

Can Eating Cashews Reduce Your Risk Of Early Death? What We Know – Health Digest

Heart disease is responsible for approximately 1 in every 5 premature deaths for people ages 25 through 64, according to 2021 research published in Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the primary risk factors. Yet snacking on cashew nuts may help improve blood pressure levels, thereby reducing the risk of […]

1 min read

Can Peanut Butter Reduce Inflammation? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest

Even though two tablespoons of peanut butter have just 3 grams of saturated fat, you don’t want to eat too much peanut butter if you want to fight inflammation. Peanut butter has 26% of your recommended daily value for niacin (vitamin B3), which can boost circulation and cool inflammation. Almost 2 milligrams of vitamin D […]

1 min read

This Common Prostate Medication Might Also Reduce Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Different doses of finasteride were given to male mice who had atherosclerosis for 12 weeks while feeding them a Western diet. The finasteride not only lowered their cholesterol levels but also had some clearing of the fatty deposits in their arteries. The mice on finasteride had less fat in their livers than the mice not […]

3 mins read

Do This With Your Feet To Reduce Those Annoying Middle-Of-The-Night Bathroom Breaks – Health Digest

Peopleimages/Getty Images Sometimes, a pesky middle-of-the-night bathroom trip can be easily explained. Maybe you drank a good bit of water or enjoyed a salty snack shortly before bedtime, both of which can have you running for the toilet. Other times, the cause of a midnight bathroom break isn’t so obvious. In these instances, you may […]

1 min read

The Two Best Proteins To Eat To Reduce Your Heart Disease Risk – Health Digest

Nuts are health powerhouses, offering a variety of micronutrients and bioactive compounds to protect your heart, according to a 2013 review in Current Nutrition Reports. Nuts have a high proportion of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids to their saturated fats, and the omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts can reduce inflammation and narrowing of the […]

1 min read

Eating Peanut Butter Every Day Could Reduce Your Risk Of This Common Disease – Health Digest

Peanut butter is also a good source of magnesium. Two tablespoons of smooth, salt-free peanut butter have 53.8 milligrams of magnesium. Science has found that consuming sufficient amounts of magnesium along with fiber can help protect people from developing type 2 diabetes by boosting insulin sensitivity (how responsive your cells are to insulin), lowering levels of […]