27 Jul, 2024
1 min read

If You Don’t Drink This Fruity Beverage, Your Early Death Risk Increases – Health Digest

According to a 2016 study published in the journal Nature Medicine, a certain molecule found in pomegranates – urolithin — has the ability to transform gut microbes in such a way that it boosts the natural ability of our cells to recycle something called mitochondria. Mitochondria are considered the powerhouses of cells, meaning they generate the energy needed for various […]

1 min read

When You Follow The Carnivore Diet, This Is What Happens To Your Early Death Risk – Health Digest

A 2016 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition tracked the diets of over 70,000 people from Sweden to see if their diets affected the rate of deaths from heart disease, cancer, or any other cause. Those who ate the most red meat had a 21% higher risk of all-cause mortality and a 29% […]

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The Unique Fat That Can Reduce Your Risk Of Early Death – Health Digest

A tablespoon of flaxseed oil provides 7.2 grams of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is more than four times the daily recommended amount. Having more ALA in your diet through foods like flaxseed oil can reduce your early death risk according to a 2021 article in The BMJ. You can also lower your risk of death […]

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Can Eating Cashews Reduce Your Risk Of Early Death? What We Know – Health Digest

Heart disease is responsible for approximately 1 in every 5 premature deaths for people ages 25 through 64, according to 2021 research published in Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the primary risk factors. Yet snacking on cashew nuts may help improve blood pressure levels, thereby reducing the risk of […]

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If You Eat This Popular Spice, Your Early Death Risk May Decrease – Health Digest

As you age, your cells reduce their capacity to regenerate, and eventually the cells die. This is linked to the telomeres that cap the ends of your chromosomes and protect them from damage, according to a 2021 article in Biomedicine and Pharmacology. When cells divide, the telomeres shorten over time. Oxidative stress can speed up the […]

1 min read

What Happens To Your Early Death Risk When You Have Anxiety – Health Digest

Other studies examining the relationship between anxiety and mortality have taken a closer look at potential influencing factors, such as gender differences. While researchers from an alternate 2018 study published in the British Journal of Psychology did observe a connection between anxiety disorders and early death, this association was only seen in men. Out of more […]

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11 Possible Warning Signs That Mean A Person Is Nearing Death – Health Digest

When nearing death, some people with cognitive decline may experience a phenomenon known as terminal lucidity. According to a review published in Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, doctors and researchers have mentioned this event over the last 250 years, referring to a sudden return of mental clarity or awareness in dying patients, often shortly before […]

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When You Stop Having Sex, This Is What Happens To Your Early Death Risk – Health Digest

According to the American Cancer Society, around 1 in 44 men face prostate cancer-related death. What happens to your prostate when you stop having sex, then, is of importance. Per a 2016 study published in the journal European Urology, ejaculating more than 20 times in a month reduced the participants’ (who were in their 20s […]

1 min read

Does Eating Peanut Butter Every Day Impact Your Early Death Risk? – Health Digest

A 2015 study in the International Journal of Epidemiology looked at the diets of people aged 55 to 69 living in the Netherlands. Eating up to 5 grams of nuts (a few peanuts or almonds) every day was linked to a 12% lower risk of all-cause mortality. The more nuts you eat, the better. Eating up […]

1 min read

Eating Garlic Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Early Death Risk – Health Digest

Garlic has been associated with being anti-inflammatory, protecting against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, improving blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels, warding off chronic disease, protecting your liver, and combating different types of cancer.  Early death risk after a heart disease diagnosis is a concern. In fact, it is thought to cause the death of one […]