27 Jul, 2024
1 min read

The Unexpected Vitamin That Can Increase The Risk Of Prostate Cancer – Health Digest

In the 2011 JAMA Network study, researchers revisited findings from an earlier trial that showed selenium and/or vitamin E supplementation did not lower prostate cancer risk, but instead, demonstrated an increased risk for the disease albeit one that was considered statistically nonsignificant. The research involved more than 35,500 healthy men who were either given selenium […]

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The Little-Known Spice That Can Naturally Increase A Man’s Libido – Health Digest

In a 2011 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research, 60 male patients who were not experiencing erectile dysfunction were given either a placebo or a daily oral dose of 600 milligrams of fenugreek extract and mineral formation for a duration of six weeks. Focusing on measurements of sexual drive as well as urge or […]

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Do This With Your Fingers To Increase Longevity – Health Digest

Handgrip strength may come in handy when trying to twist open a pasta sauce jar, but pinch strength refers to how apt we are at squeezing the tips of the thumb and index finger together to lift and hold small objects (per “The Muscle Test Handbook” via Science Direct). Handgrip strength is measured using a device […]

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Eating This Type Of Protein Can Increase Your Risk Of Kidney Stones – Health Digest

A 2022 review in Advances in Nutrition analyzed the results of 14 studies focused on the connection between various protein sources and the incidence of kidney stones. Diets high in non-dairy animal protein were linked to an 11% higher risk of developing kidney stones. It gets worse from there. Eating any meat products is associated with […]

1 min read

Sleep Mistakes That Can Increase Your Risk Of Cancer – Health Digest

All of us have an internal body clock called the circadian rhythm, or circadian cycle. It’s a 24-hour clock that regulates when we feel sleepy, hungry, and alert. The circadian rhythm also has a role to play in our mood and mental health, metabolism, and regulation of blood sugar and cholesterol. This internal clock is driven by light — […]

1 min read

This Common Sleep Disorder Can Increase Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Death – Health Digest

A 2017 study in Neurology followed 57,000 women to see if RLS led to a higher risk of death. Even though women with RLS didn’t have a higher risk of death from any cause, they had a 43% higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease compared to those women without RLS. Meanwhile, no links between […]

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Does Being Left-Handed Increase Your Risk Of Cancer? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest

A 2007 article in Epidemiology followed more than 12,000 Dutch women for 13 years. During that time, 252 women passed away. The researchers compared the mortality rates between left-handers and right-handers and found that left-handers had a 70% higher risk of dying from cancer and twice the risk of dying from breast cancer. They were […]

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Not Eating These 11 Foods Can Increase Early Death Risk – Health Digest

You may not automatically think of legumes when building up a healthy dinner plate, but this family of flowering plants, which include beans (kidney, pinto, white, black, and lima), chickpeas, split peas, lentils, and edamame (unripened soybeans) are robust sources of protein, fiber, and vitamins that support heart health. Legumes can also help lower cholesterol […]

1 min read

The Protein Mistake That Will Increase Your Risk Of Getting Sick – Health Digest

Insufficient protein consumption not only weakens immunity but can also lead to various health issues such as muscle weakness, fatigue, hair loss, skin problems, edema, and impaired wound healing. Your daily protein requirements depend on factors like age, gender, activity level, and overall health. For instance, sedentary adults should aim for a daily protein intake […]

1 min read

Unexpected Factors That Increase Your Chance Of Getting Bitten By A Mosquito – Health Digest

When you’re donating blood at your local blood bank, they love it when a type O comes in. It turns out mosquitoes like them, too. A 2019 study published in the American Journal of Entomology found that when given feeders of different blood types (A, B, AB, and O), the mosquitoes spent the most time […]