The Blood Type That Increases Your Risk Of Getting E. Coli – Health Digest
Xavier Lorenzo/Getty Images E. coli, short for Escherichia coli, is a type of bacteria that can mess with your gut or urinary tract. Depending on the strain, it might cause diarrhea or that awful burning feeling when you pee. While some E. coli strains are actually helpful […]
The Type Of Smoothie You Should Drink More Often To Boost Longevity – Health Digest
Westend61/Getty Images If you want to live forever — or at least until you’re 100 — then you’d better start acting like it. That means engaging in the types of exercise that slow aging and eating foods that promote longevity. While there are many foods that are healthy enough […]
The Blood Type That Could Increase A Man’s Risk Of Prostate Cancer – Health Digest
Gorodenkoff/Getty Images Every year, more than 299,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed, according to the American Cancer Society. And although prostate cancer can be treated successfully, it’s still deadly for more than 35,000 biological males annually. If you have a prostate, you can take some […]
Why Sourdough Could Be The Best Type Of Bread To Eat If You Have Poop Troubles – Health Digest
Sigrid Gombert/Getty Images As you’re looking through the options of fresh-baked bread at the bakery, many of the breads look alike on the outside. Most are crusty on the outside and somewhat tender on the inside. Sourdough bread distinguishes itself from other types of bread by how […]
The Unique Type Of Apple Juice That Can Help Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest
PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock Fruit juices without any added sugars can be a good choice if you’re looking for a naturally sweet beverage. However, it can be hard to know which juice to pick. One way to choose is to identify a juice that will help you […]
Men Can Build Muscle Faster If They Have A Specific Body Type – Health Digest
Xijian/Getty Images Building up your muscle mass can offer numerous health benefits, including some that might not be obvious like better balance, an easier time managing your blood sugar, and an improvement in your mood and mental wellbeing. However, there’s just one hitch: Some men find it harder […]
The Unique Type Of Pasta That Has More Protein Than Eggs – Health Digest
Westend61/Getty Images “Should I eat pasta regularly?” It’s a question asked by many people who want to get the most nutritional value from every food or meal. Many pastas are carbohydrate-heavy but light in other nutrients. However, there’s a unique kind of pasta that contains tons of […]
The Blood Type That Increases Your Risk Of Stroke, According To Science – Health Digest
Momo Productions/Getty Images Do you know your blood type? Unless you regularly donate blood, you might not. Blood types are categorized by the presence of specific antigens and proteins, and you inherit this blood type from your parents. Although you might not think about your blood type often, […]
The Type Of Bread That Has More Protein Than An Egg – Health Digest
Studio4/Getty Images Eggs can be a great way to start your day with a bit of protein to help you feel full until lunch. It’s also a good idea to get about 15 to 30 grams of protein at each meal rather than reserve your high-protein foods until […]
Eat This Type Of Protein To Naturally Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest
Drazen_/Getty Images High cholesterol affects about 71 million people in the United States and can lead to a heart attack, heart disease, and stroke if it’s unmanaged (per Johns Hopkins Medicine). The cholesterol you need to be most concerned about is your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol because that’s […]