08 Oct, 2024
18 mins read

When You Stop Having Sex, Your Risk Of These Medical Conditions Increases – Health Digest

Harbucks/Getty Images Sex is an integral part of life. As one of the pillars of overall health (which also includes your physical, mental, and spiritual health), it plays a huge role in your personal growth and development (per Mayo Clinic). On the same note, by allowing for social and […]

3 mins read

The Medical Condition That Increases Your Risk Of An Enlarged Prostate – Health Digest

Tetra Images/Getty Images An enlarged prostate often comes with age. Also referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the continuous growth of the prostate gland is thought to be the product of hormonal fluctuations, according to Comprehensive Urologic Care. However certain health conditions can also make a person […]

1 min read

If You Don’t Drink This Fruity Beverage, Your Early Death Risk Increases – Health Digest

According to a 2016 study published in the journal Nature Medicine, a certain molecule found in pomegranates – urolithin — has the ability to transform gut microbes in such a way that it boosts the natural ability of our cells to recycle something called mitochondria. Mitochondria are considered the powerhouses of cells, meaning they generate the energy needed for various […]

1 min read

Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer Increases If You Live Here – Health Digest

Everything from how much fruit and vegetables make up your diet to smoking to ancestry and even environmental, behavioral, socioeconomic, and infection-related factors contribute toward a risk of prostate cancer. Although the exact reasons why certain regions have a higher incidence than others are unclear, experts point toward diet and lifestyle as possible factors.  For example, […]

1 min read

The Caffeinated Beverage That Increases Your Risk Of Blood Clots – Health Digest

America loves caffeine; just a quick glance at any Starbucks’ drive-thru line can tell you that. Yet some people prefer to get their caffeine fix from alternate sources, like energy drinks. According to a 2023 Statista survey of over 10,000 participants, 33% of people ages 18 through 29 reported consuming energy drinks on a regular […]

1 min read

Your Early Death Risk Increases If You Don’t Eat This Popular Protein Source – Health Digest

Yogurt might be linked to a lower mortality risk due to its influence on the health of your gut microbiome, according to a 2020 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The good bacteria in yogurt can support your immune system while warding off pathogens that can cause infections.  A 2021 article in Nutrients found that […]

1 min read

High Cholesterol Increases Your Risk Of This Common Disease – Health Digest

Your kidneys serve many functions in your body. Their big job is to filter out waste from your blood, purifying 200 quarts of blood for just a few quarts of urine. Your kidneys also make hormones that control your blood pressure and signal the bone marrow to make red blood cells. You need your kidneys […]

1 min read

Your Risk Of Early Death Increases When You Stop Eating This Dessert – Health Digest

Most of the health benefits associated with dark chocolates lie in their rich concentration of flavanols. Cocoa contains flavanols that are also naturally found in other foods like teas, red wines, fruits, spices, and nuts. Flavanols have antioxidant properties that promote heart health and reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease. They also reduce oxidative stress in your […]

1 min read

Visiting The ER For This Reason Increases Your Risk Of Early Death – Health Digest

You may not think much of a minor slip that hurt your ankle at the Christmas party while you’d had one too many drinks, but alcohol-related injuries can be life-threatening, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Road accidents, falls, drownings, relational violence, suicide, and sexual assault are some of the concerns for […]