27 Jul, 2024
1 min read

Grape Juice May Have An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Sex Life – Health Digest

Although it is challenging to find specific studies on this fruit and sexual health, there is a link between an increase in nitric oxide production and the consumption of grape juice, per a 2020 study published in Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. The vitamin C in the fruit can help with nitric oxide production […]

1 min read

The Little-Known Spice That Can Naturally Increase A Man’s Libido – Health Digest

In a 2011 randomized controlled trial published in Phytotherapy Research, 60 male patients who were not experiencing erectile dysfunction were given either a placebo or a daily oral dose of 600 milligrams of fenugreek extract and mineral formation for a duration of six weeks. Focusing on measurements of sexual drive as well as urge or […]

1 min read

Doing Yoga Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Prostate Health – Health Digest

Although the prostate gland is the size of a walnut, it grows larger as a man ages. A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test measures the protein that could signal potential issues with the prostate, such as an enlarged prostate, inflammation, or prostate cancer. An enlarged prostate can pinch against the urethra, causing urinary problems such as […]

1 min read

Eating Garlic Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Sex Life – Health Digest

Quite a few studies have looked at garlic’s properties that improve blood flow. For example, a 2023 study published in Nutrition and Health found that several fruits and vegetables (including garlic) were effective in the management of ED. A 2014 study published in The Aging Male, found that a non-prescription health-promoting medication in Japan that […]

1 min read

Eating Soy Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Prostate – Health Digest

Soy can also supplement radiation therapy in treating prostate cancer by reducing side effects. A 2010 study in Nutrition and Cancer had one group of prostate cancer patients take 200 milligrams of soy isoflavone a day while another took a placebo. After six months, the group that took the soy isoflavones had less urine leakage, less […]

1 min read

High Cholesterol Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Sex Life – Health Digest

All the cholesterol in your body is not bad. In fact, cholesterol serves the important function of helping your body produce cell membranes, vitamin D, and sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Having healthy cholesterol levels means having higher levels of what is known as “good” or high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and lower levels of “bad” or low-density lipoprotein […]

1 min read

Eating Chocolate Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Sex Life – Health Digest

Some claim that the high cocoa content in dark chocolate also means a higher concentration of the endorphin-boosting compound phenylethylamine. There is also a theory about how certain chemicals found in dark chocolate help slow down the metabolism of anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid in your brain that works similar to how THC (the active ingredient in cannabis) does, boosting dopamine […]

1 min read

Eating Watermelon Has An Unexpected Effect On A Man’s Sex Life – Health Digest

Perhaps the fruit’s most touted benefit when it comes to a man’s sex life is its effect on erectile dysfunction. Researchers credit the amino acid citrulline found in this tropical fruit for improving symptoms of ED. More specifically, your body converts citrulline into arginine which boosts blood flow to the penis.  According to a 2013 study done on mice […]