27 Jul, 2024
1 min read

The Toilet Paper Mistake You Never Knew Could Worsen Hemorrhoids (Especially If You’re Over 50) – Health Digest

Even if you’re actively treating hemorrhoids, wiping with dry toilet paper can derail any improvements. Hemorrhoid tissue is sensitive to begin with, and raking the area with a handful of dry toilet paper may prompt itching, bleeding, or burning sensations, according to Advanced Hemorrhoid Specialists. The greater the irritation, the longer hemorrhoids are likely to […]

1 min read

Avoid This Poop Mistake If You Don’t Want To Wake Up To Pee All Night – Health Digest

In a 2012 study published in The Journal of Urology, researchers examined the relationship between men’s bowel movement habits and the prevalence of urinary symptoms, such as urinary hesitancy, feelings of not having fully emptied the bladder, and frequent nighttime urination. The study findings showed that men who pooped three times or less each week […]

1 min read

Avoid This Common Poop Mistake If You Don’t Want Hemorrhoids – Health Digest

Researchers from a 2012 scientific review published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology explain how straining for long periods of time during a bowel movement boosts abdominal pressure. This added pressure placed on the body’s rectal veins can restrict blood flow back to the heart, causing the veins to swell. Sometimes alternatively referred to as […]

1 min read

The Bicep Curl Mistake Dr. Ian Smith Avoids At All Costs – Health Digest

“Tuck your elbows to your side, make your trunk (torso) nice and stationary, bend your knees, and [go] nice and easy,” says Dr. Ian Smith, author of “The Met Flex Diet: Burn Better Fuel, Burn More Fat.”  Focusing on the correct posture helps you isolate the muscles you want and get the contraction you want, added […]

1 min read

The Breakfast Mistake That’s Making It Harder To Poop – Health Digest

You might be inclined to skip breakfast because you’re trying intermittent fasting, but this could be stopping your digestive system if you’re not careful. When you eat something, the reflex that signals for you to poop kicks in. This reflex is also more active in the morning hours, which is why eating breakfast will make […]

1 min read

The Exercise Mistake That’s Making You Look Older – Health Digest

Your pelvic floor is a collection of muscles and tissues that make up the bed or bottom of your body. It supports pelvic organs like your rectum, vagina, uterus, bladder, and bowels. Picture it like a hammock or trampoline that’s holding up an assortment of important organs.  Pelvic floor exercises target the muscles that make […]

1 min read

Avoid This Underwear Mistake If You Don’t Want An Infection – Health Digest

Cotton will keep things dry and cool, but you also need underwear that fits properly. Underwear that is too tight can cause chafing and openings in the skin allow bacteria to enter. Finding a breathable pair of undies that fit you well works best since they expand and contract with your skin and movements. Avoiding underwear […]

1 min read

The Protein Mistake That Will Increase Your Risk Of Getting Sick – Health Digest

Insufficient protein consumption not only weakens immunity but can also lead to various health issues such as muscle weakness, fatigue, hair loss, skin problems, edema, and impaired wound healing. Your daily protein requirements depend on factors like age, gender, activity level, and overall health. For instance, sedentary adults should aim for a daily protein intake […]

1 min read

The Common Grocery Shopping Mistake That Could Make You Sick – Health Digest

Now that you’ve bagged your meat in a way that won’t make you sick, pay attention to how and where you’re placing the reusable bag with the meat in it. From shopping cart to conveyor belt, all of it matters. “Try to keep meat products away from other items in your basket or cart while […]

1 min read

Don’t Make This Mistake When Doing Lower Ab Exercises – Health Digest

Your back can easily arch during any lower abdominal exercises that require you to lie on your back. Think about the hollow hold, where your arms are raised over your head while your legs are extended and raised at an angle to the floor. The closer your heels are to the floor, the more likely […]