26 Jul, 2024
1 min read

Avoid This Poop Mistake If You Don’t Want To Wake Up To Pee All Night – Health Digest

In a 2012 study published in The Journal of Urology, researchers examined the relationship between men’s bowel movement habits and the prevalence of urinary symptoms, such as urinary hesitancy, feelings of not having fully emptied the bladder, and frequent nighttime urination. The study findings showed that men who pooped three times or less each week […]

1 min read

When You Wake Up Frequently At Night, This Is What Is What Happens To Your Blood Pressure – Health Digest

There are two types of nocturnal hypertension, according to a 2022 article in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension. The first has to do with your circadian rhythm. People with higher blood pressure at night are called “risers,” which means their blood pressure rises somewhat at night and then drops rather than peaks in the morning. They […]

1 min read

Can Being A Night Owl Affect Your Mental Health? An Expert Weighs In – Health Digest

Dr. Kruger goes on to outline three key signs that a person may benefit from the support of a mental health professional. “Significant distress [and] decreased level of functioning,” Dr. Kruger says is the first sign. “If being a night owl is contributing to negative impacts on significant things in your daily life, it would […]

1 min read

What Happens To Your Body When You Go To Bed Early Every Night – Health Digest

Going to bed earlier could lead to oversleeping, which has been connected to various health issues, including heart disease (via Johns Hopkins Medicine). Perhaps more importantly, however, the CDC notes that not getting the right amount of sleep regularly can actually raise the likelihood of heart disease.  A 2021 study involved researchers tracking more than 88,000 […]

1 min read

What It Means When You Experience Muscle Cramps At Night – Health Digest

Many activities and situations can cause muscle cramps at night, according to Delaware Integrative Healthcare. Your muscles can spasm if you work out or stretch too hard one day. Muscle cramps might also signal a misalignment of your body, so certain muscles might work harder while others become shortened over time. A vitamin B12 or […]

1 min read

The Unexpected Benefits Of Eating Cucumber At Night – Health Digest

In addition to magnesium, cucumbers also harbor melatonin, reports More Smiles Dental Spa. While more study is still needed, researchers from a 2014 scientific assessment published in Nutrition Journal point out how melatonin supplementation may help support our natural circadian rhythm and potentially boost sleep onset latency in those who struggle to fall asleep until […]

1 min read

Why We Rarely Wake Up To Poop In The Middle Of The Night – Health Digest

For some people, however, middle-of-the-night poops aren’t so rare. If you’re someone who enjoys certain foods like hot peppers, a greasy cheeseburger, coffee, or dairy, you may find yourself waking up and sprinting for the bathroom as these foods can prompt gastrointestinal issues. Certain health conditions can also make us prone to pooping after hours. […]

1 min read

Expert Tips On What To Do The Night Before Having An Egg Retrieval – Health Digest

“When it is time for your procedure, you will enter the procedure room, where you will be asked to confirm your identity by an embryology staff member,” Dr. Leondires tells us. “Then the anesthesia provider will start your anesthetic medications shortly after this step, and you will be off to dreamland while your surgeon gets […]

1 min read

Weird Reasons You Only Cough At Night – Health Digest

Postnasal drip occurs when excess mucus accumulates in the back of the throat; and allergies, respiratory infections, or sinus issues can trigger it. During the day, we naturally clear mucus from our throats by swallowing. However, at night, this process becomes less efficient.  A few factors contribute to postnasal drip-induced coughing at night. When we […]

1 min read

Dieting Could Be The Reason You Can’t Sleep At Night – Health Digest

Dieting sometimes requires knowing the right balance between hunger and a full stomach. Any discomfort you feel before bed could affect your sleep. Eating too much will make it difficult to sleep, but eating too little can also cause you to wake up hungry and keep you awake. If you’ve been dieting for a while, […]