26 Jul, 2024
1 min read

The 2 Habits You Should Change After Turning 50 To Prevent Weight Gain – Health Digest

People who ordinarily eat healthy could also see a few extra pounds after turning 50 due to the shift in hormones and metabolism. If you normally eat 2,200 calories a day in your 40s, you’ll need to cut at least 200 calories a day from that total in your 50s. That might require taking a […]

6 mins read

6 easy ways to spring clean and create new habits that will stick – Healthista

It’s that time of year that brings about the ‘Spring Clean’ – and we don’t just mean your cupboards. Behaviour change specialist, Dr Heather McKee shares 6 easy ways to spring clean your life and create new habits that will stick  Spring is the perfect time to dejunk, have a good clear out and think […]

1 min read

The Unexpected Dangers Of Jessica Biel’s Controversial Eating Habits – Health Digest

While you may not have to worry about fecal matter getting in your bowl of cereal (provided you’re showering in a clean bathroom), there is still a small chance of microbial transfer from dripping hair strands to your food, per Penn State University food safety expert Martin Bucknavage (via TODAY). Additionally, the shower environment — floor, […]

1 min read

The 3 Worst Eating Habits For Your Brain Health, According To Our Expert – Health Digest

Most Americans aren’t consuming the right amount of vegetables daily, according to Maggie Moon. The USDA recommendation is two to three cups a day. “Skimping on vegetables, especially leafy greens, is associated with accelerated brain aging, cognitive decline, and risk of dementia,” explained the expert. Your brain needs essential nutrients like vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta-carotene, found […]

1 min read

Unexpected Triggers That Can Instantly Change Your Poop Habits – Health Digest

Changes in poop habits can sometimes indicate underlying issues that require medical attention. Both diarrhea and constipation can lead to complications, and recognizing potential red flags is crucial for seeking timely medical help. According to Stanford Medicine, constipation, while often causing discomfort and irritation, can lead to more serious consequences, such as hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding, […]

1 min read

Habits That Increase Your Risk Of Getting The Flu – Health Digest

Exercise can have many health benefits, like helping with blood pressure, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But too much might leave you more susceptible to the flu, according to TODAY. “Regular exercise is actually great for your body, good for your immune system,” according to gastroenterologist Dr. Roshini Raj. “But if you’re overdoing it, […]