When You Have Sex While You’re Constipated, This Is What Happens – Health Digest
Feeling bloated and backed up may not exactly put us in the mood, but if you were hoping that a little action might offer some relief, we’re sorry to say that having sex when you’re constipated may potentially make things worse.
Women and young adults tend to be particularly vulnerable to constipation, according to 2020 research published in BMC Gastroenterology. People who are constipated have fewer than three bowel movements a week, tend to strain while pooping, struggle to completely empty their bowels, or may pass lumpy or hard stool. OB-GYN Dr. Yvonne Bohn told Women’s Health that an accumulation of stool in the colon can lead to pain and cramping, and the increased pressure from sexual intercourse may only heighten the discomfort. “If a woman is really constipated and has no bowel movement for more than three days, then having sex during this time may be very uncomfortable as the rectum sits right behind the vagina,” she told the publication. In essence, a little “Netflix and chill” action when constipated may leave you with a mess of stomach pain after the fact.
Reasons you may feel stomach pain after sex if you’re constipated
Another reason a person with constipation may experience abdominal discomfort after having sex is because doing so can increase the risk for urinary tract infections, Dr. Bohn went on to tell Women’s Health. During sexual intercourse, fecal matter from a buildup of stool in the rectum can potentially make its way into the urethra or vagina. Anyone can develop a urinary tract infection, and if so, a person may experience frequent urination, pain when peeing, cloudy-looking urine, or pain in the penis, lower back, or stomach.
Depending on which type of IBS you have, constipation can also come with the territory for people with irritable bowel syndrome, along with bloating, flatulence, heartburn, and more. According to findings of a OnePoll survey on behalf of bacteria supplement company Symprove in the UK, 67% of women reported feelings of insecurity around having sex due to IBS symptoms (via HuffPost). One woman further reported only feeling comfortable engaging in certain specific sex positions during a flare-up, a method that experts say may oppositely benefit some people with constipation.
The best sex positions for when you’re constipated
For people with vaginas, Dr. Bohn told Women’s Health that positioning oneself on hands and knees is often the most comfortable sex position when constipated. Alternatively, try situating yourself on top of your partner (often referred to as the cowgirl position) in order to keep added pressure off the stomach. Any position that stimulates the back wall of the vagina can potentially help kick your bowels into gear.
To alleviate mild symptoms of constipation, Cleveland Clinic experts suggest upping your water intake while also steering clear of alcohol, coffee, and sugar-sweetened beverages. Incorporate a variety of fiber-rich foods into your diet too, such as prunes, berries, mangoes, bran cereal, and whole grains. Certain bathroom habits may also be responsible for constipation. Avoid holding in your poop when duty calls, refrain from using your phone while on the toilet, and try using a Squatty Potty or foot stool to promote optimal muscle relaxation when going number two.