Strange Side Effects Of Using Psilocybin Mushrooms – Health Digest
In the U.S., the legislative landscape surrounding psilocybin mushrooms is evolving, reflecting changing attitudes toward psychedelic substances. This shift is exemplified by a patchwork of state legislative reforms that aim to make psychedelic drugs more accessible to Americans, as stated by a review published in JAMA Psychiatry. For instance, Denver, Colorado, took the lead in […]
Marijuana Side Effects That Differ Between Men And Women – Health Digest
Marijuana usage isn’t the only area in which men and women may differ in terms of side effects experienced. Rather, there are also differences observed between the two groups in relation to stopping use of the drug. Men more often reported sleep-related withdrawal symptoms, specifically insomnia and vivid dreams, according to the 2016 study. Women […]
Why The Left Side Of Your Head Hurts – Health Digest
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a severe and chronic pain condition affecting the trigeminal nerve. There are two trigeminal nerves on either side of the head, but TN typically only affects one. The condition leads to extreme, sporadic, sudden burning or shock-like facial pain that lasts from a few seconds to a couple of minutes per […]