The Mindfulness Technique That Can Boost Longevity And Help You Live To 100 – Health Digest
Super Scout/Getty Images Everyone is looking for that fountain of youth — that one exercise, skin cream, or diet that promises longevity. Years of stress and disrupted sleep can lead to conditions such as high blood pressure, weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and cognitive issues later in […]
What Is The ‘Start-Stop’ Technique And Why It Could Benefit Men’s Sex Life – Health Digest
Adene Sanchez/Getty Images If you or your partner struggles with premature ejaculation, you’re not alone: Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual disorder among those who have penises (via StatPearls). According to the Cleveland Clinic, the condition manifests in an estimated 30% to 40% of men. While premature ejaculation […]
TikTok Swears By The Alpha Bridge Sleep Technique For Catching Easy Zs. But Does It Work? – Health Digest
According to Erica Terblanche, this hack will even help you fall asleep on an airplane. It doesn’t matter if you’re sitting in a chair or lying down on a bed — all you need is to be in a comfortable position. Terblanche referred to it as “going over the alpha bridge.” The hack has four steps. […]