Why We Rarely Wake Up To Poop In The Middle Of The Night – Health Digest
For some people, however, middle-of-the-night poops aren’t so rare. If you’re someone who enjoys certain foods like hot peppers, a greasy cheeseburger, coffee, or dairy, you may find yourself waking up and sprinting for the bathroom as these foods can prompt gastrointestinal issues.
Certain health conditions can also make us prone to pooping after hours. This includes viral or bacterial illness, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and constipation, reports Health. Even certain drugs used to treat some of these conditions, such as antibiotics, can mess with the balance of bacteria in our gut and make us more susceptible to nighttime pooping. Researchers from the previously mentioned 2020 scientific review also outline how those who tend to have fewer bowel movements on a weekly basis (between three and four) are more likely to poop during evening hours than morning hours. In more serious cases, however, people whose sleep is continuously disrupted by the need to poop night after night may be experiencing what’s known as “chronic nocturnal diarrhea,” explains Medical News Today.