Men Can Build Muscle Faster If They Have A Specific Body Type – Health Digest
Building up your muscle mass can offer numerous health benefits, including some that might not be obvious like better balance, an easier time managing your blood sugar, and an improvement in your mood and mental wellbeing. However, there’s just one hitch: Some men find it harder than others to add muscle. If you can relate, you’re probably not a mesomorph.
Never heard of a mesomorph? The term refers to one of three basic body somotypes or classifications. (The other two somotypes are endomorphs and ectomorphs.) In males, the mesomorphic body type has very distinctive characteristics, including wide, boxy shoulders and narrower waistlines. Speaking with Everyday Health, personal trainer Phil Catudal notes that one way to tell if you’re a mesomorph is “if your waist and hips are the same width.” However, mesomorphs aren’t just easy to identify based on the way that they’re shaped. They also have unique muscular elements that allow them to add muscle mass fast and keep it for a while, according to WebMD.
Increased muscle, decreased body fat
Why exactly do mesomorphs have the ability to see rapid muscle gains after regularly hitting the gym? Medicine News Today explains that it’s all because of the mesomorphic tendency toward having more musculature and less fat. Consequently, mesomorphs don’t have to work as hard or as long to grow their muscles. This allows them to exercise moderately and still end up with results. (Is it any wonder that many athletes are mesomorphs?)
This doesn’t mean that mesomorphs can’t gain unwanted pounds, though. On the contrary, mesomorphs can add fat as effortlessly as they seem to add muscle. With that said, mesomorphs can burn off excess fat relatively rapidly by following healthier eating and exercise plans. Of course, if you’re not a mesomorph, you aren’t relegated to wishing you were. Both ectomorphs and endomorphs can get firmer and fitter as well. They just may have to work a little more diligently to transform their bodies.
Muscle building techniques for endomorphs and ectomorphs
Like mesomorphs, ectomorphs tend to be lean. But they’re so lean that they have trouble holding onto any weight, including weight from muscles. Endomorphs are at the opposite end of the somotype scale. Though they can build muscle rapidly, they have a higher body fat percentage than mesomorphs. Therefore, they may be at an initial disadvantage because, although they have muscles, the muscles may be hidden behind fat. Plus, the excess weight they carry may make it tougher for them to have enough stamina during workouts.
But rest assured that no matter which somotype you belong to (and you may be a mixture), you can get muscle mass and definition. For instance, to attain and hold onto muscle gains as an ectomorph, the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) recommends training with high weights for a number of reps while eating a high-calorie (and high-nutrient) diet. For endomorphs, ISSA suggests eating fewer overall calories and following a workout regimen that focuses on building up the major muscle groups and includes high-intensity cardio to burn more energy.
Without a doubt, it can be frustrating to watch your mesomorphic brother, partner, or gym buddy get ripped rapidly. Nonetheless, know that it’s possible for both endomorphs and ectomorphs to get impressive physiques through strength training that works with, not against, their unique body features.