Does The Carnivore Diet Help Your Mental Health? It Depends – Health Digest
A supporter of the carnivore diet, Dr. Shawn Baker, has made some big claims about the mental benefits of the carnivore diet. Baker uses anecdotal evidence to support his assertions, but can they be backed up by science? According to Psychology Today, there is evidence that all-meat diets are effective in correcting chemical balances in the brain to benefit serious and chronic psychiatric symptoms.
Dr. Georgia Ede spoke at the CarnivoryCon 2019 about the surprising differences between plant and animal foods stating that one of the benefits of the carnivore diet is that it includes the nutrients we need in their proper form. She went on to discuss how some plant compounds can interfere with the body’s absorption of essential nutrients (via YouTube).
Studies have also shown the benefits of eating meat to help depression and anxiety. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition reviewed the research of 20 studies looking at the levels of anxiety and depression in meat consumers and abstainers. The review stated that “meat consumption was associated with lower depression…and lower anxiety.” The study did go on to note that the “analysis also showed that the more rigorous the study, the more positive and consistent the relation between meat consumption and better mental health.”