Fitness Myths From TikTok You Should Immediately Stop Believing – Health Digest
If you love to dance, you should continue to dance for your health and your overall wellbeing. But don’t focus strictly on TikTok’s “weight loss dance,” because it just won’t yield results that you hope to see. This was popularized when a TikTok user posted a video of herself performing a now-viral dance that purports to burn body fat and help you lose weight fast. While the user claims to be a fitness instructor, there are no credentials or otherwise notable details that impart any confidence in the dance claim.
It’s not limited to one user, though. As these TikTok videos go viral, people begin to believe every word. Certified nutrition coach Joanne Schell says to Shape, “Posts like this put value primarily on outward appearance; in truth, a six pack is either genetically created or takes significant diet and exercise changes — often to the point where sleep, social lives, and hormones [can be] disrupted and disordered eating [can] arise.”
As the user responsible for the viral dance video claims that the routine will “reduce” the abdomen, it’s important to be mindful of what you’re watching and falling prey to fad diet trends. Psychologist Sirin Atçeken tells Cosmopolitan, “We are constantly bombarded by adverts selling us unrealistic expectations, ‘quick fixes,’ and easy way-outs. In a time where we are calling out fake news, it can be quite dumbfounding that certain content even passes advertising standards.”