Can Berberine Supplements Help You Lose Weight? Maybe, But It Comes With Some Risks – Health Digest
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Can Berberine Supplements Help You Lose Weight? Maybe, But It Comes With Some Risks – Health Digest

One concern with berberine supplements is that they can’t be likened to how Ozempic works for weight loss, per Dr. Joel Fuhrman. “GLP-1 is a natural hormone our bodies make that reduces appetite and improves insulin sensitivity,” he said. “GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs, such as Ozempic, contain a synthetic version of GLP-1 that is stronger and lasts longer in the body than natural GLP-1. Berberine cannot be expected to have the same potency to effectively cause appetite suppression.” What’s more, human studies involving berberine haven’t shown substantial weight loss, he added. 

In addition, weight loss needs to be looked at more holistically. “Taking berberine is not the only strategy — or the best — to naturally increase GLP-1 secretion or reduce appetite,” he noted. He pointed out that high-fiber diets aid weight loss too by slowing down digestion, helping with the production of appetite-modulating short-chain fatty acids, and boosting GLP-1 secretion. “But no one is calling a high-fiber diet ‘nature’s Ozempic,'” he said.

Living healthy overall is the key, shared Dr. Fuhrman. Thinking that you can supplement your way into weight loss without making healthy food choices is dangerous, he added. “Weight loss that results from low appetite alone will reduce some of the risk associated with obesity, but it won’t make you healthy,” he explained. “You still need vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber for good immune function, bone health, antioxidant defenses, and a healthy microbiome.” Other factors like exercising for your heart health and getting quality sleep for your brain health matter too. 

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