Why Lifting Weights Can Increase Your Risk Of Hemorrhoids (And How To Prevent It) – Health Digest
PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock While they’re seldom a serious cause for concern, hemorrhoids can nevertheless cause the sufferer an annoying level of discomfort or irritation, especially when they’re trying to do their business in the bathroom. Per Healthline, there are four kinds of hemorrhoids – internal, external, prolapsed, and thrombosed — and […]
When Men And Women Over 50 Don’t Lift Weights, This Is What Happens – Health Digest
Jamie Grill/Getty Images Lifting weights often evokes the stereotype of a bulky guy in a tank top walking around the gym lugging a gallon of water. So, rather than queue up at the squat rack, many people instead opt for the treadmill or elliptical to get in their […]