The Unexpected Health Benefits Of Eating Sourdough Pizza – Health Digest
Despite its absurdly delightful tastiness and perfection, pizza tends to get a bad rap. It doesn’t seem to matter that it contains tomatoes, dairy, and, depending on what other toppings you opt for, veggies and protein; it’s the white flour that’s used in the dough that stands in the way of pizza being regarded as just as healthy as it is delicious. White flour, like white sugar, is refined. In other words, what nutrients that could be found in flour are removed with only some of the vitamins and minerals being replaced; what remains is a version that can lead to diabetes, high cholesterol, weight gain, and other health issues.
But before you start feeling bummed out about pizza not being as healthy as you want it to be, there’s good news: sourdough. It turns out that sourdough is actually good for you. Whether you’re consuming sourdough bread or pizza made with sourdough crust, you’re making a healthier choice than opting for traditional breads and crusts thanks to the fermentation involved.
“Sourdough bread ferments over time,” registered dietitian Beth Czerwony, RD, LD told the Cleveland Clinic. “That’s what causes those bubbles to form and creates holes in the bread when you cut into it. Fermentation creates prebiotics, which are what feed the healthy bacteria in your gut.” However, gut health isn’t the only health benefit of eating sourdough pizza.
Sourdough pizza may help control blood sugar
As we’ve already covered, white flour isn’t doing your blood sugar levels any favors. Because of this, traditional pizza crust can lead to diabetes or exacerbate health issues for those who already have diabetes. Sourdough, on the other hand, can decrease blood sugar levels, keeping them within a healthy range.
According to a 2024 study published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, when compared to other industrial breads, sourdough not only has a lower impact on blood sugars, but it’s actually able to decrease levels of glucose after ingestion and digestion. The same study found that these results were amplified when sourdough products were also made with whole wheat flour. This has to do with how fermentation interacts with natural sugar, creating a chemical change in the carbohydrates, so only part of those carbs are absorbed into the bloodstream — therefore, keeping glucose numbers in check.
Sourdough pizza also has more nutrients
Whereas the refinement of white flour essentially washes away the nutritional value, because sourdough undergoes the fermentation process, it allows the body to more easily absorb the healthy components because it makes digestion easier. According to a 2019 study published in Food Science and Human Wellness, fermented foods like sourdough act as “microbial factories.” What this means is that these “factories” ensure the production of essential nutrients, which in turn are absorbed and used to promote greater health function for the immune system, the nervous system, and the body as a whole.
Sourdough is also chock-full of vitamins and minerals due to improved bioavailability because of the fermentation. Among the vitamins and minerals that you can consume when you go for sourdough pizza crust instead of traditional pizza crust are iron, manganese, zinc, niacin, vitamin B, and more, per Healthline.
While pizza with sourdough crust may carry with it loads of health benefits, it doesn’t mean you can eat pizza every day and for every meal. A healthy diet is one that’s well-rounded, diverse, and encompasses all the food groups. Sure, in a perfect world, pizza every day, all day would be best, but we’re not living in a perfect world; so stick to moderation when it comes to your pizza consumption.