The Popular White Vegetable That Can Prevent Cancer, Heart Disease, And Diabetes All At Once – Health Digest
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The Popular White Vegetable That Can Prevent Cancer, Heart Disease, And Diabetes All At Once – Health Digest

Although all vegetables bring a level of healthiness to the equation, as well as properties that can help prevent diseases and ailments, not every vegetable can do it all. That’s why maintaining a well-rounded, healthy daily diet full of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants is necessary not just for feeling good, but for improving your chances for a long life.

One of the vegetables that fits the bill when it comes to preventing some of the leading causes of death in the U.S. is cauliflower. This delicious and versatile veggie contains nutrients that can help stave off cancer, heart disease, and even diabetes. “Cauliflower is rich in plant compounds, including phytonutrients that act as antioxidants, helping to protect cells from damage,” Kat Benson, a Registered Dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching, told Health Digest exclusively, adding that these compounds in addition to cauliflower’s high fiber content, keep cholesterol and inflammation levels in the healthy range, making it great for heart health. “Cauliflower’s fiber and low-carb profile can also help stabilize blood sugar, which is beneficial for diabetes management,” said Benson.

While those are the major benefits of eating cauliflower, they’re also just the tip of the iceberg. It seems cauliflower has even more to offer, so it just might be time to start eating it, if you don’t already, or begin to eat it more regularly if it’s something that you only sometimes include in your meals.

Other health benefits of cauliflower

If you’re looking to lose weight or maintain a certain weight, cauliflower can help. Not only is it low in calories, containing just 27 calories per cup, but thanks to its high fiber count, cauliflower will make you feel fuller longer, according to a 2020 study published in Nutrients. “Additionally, regular fiber intake promotes digestive health by supporting regular bowel movements and overall digestive function, contributing to a healthy colon,” said Benson. It is also a water-dense vegetable, consisting of 92.1% water. A 2016 study, also published in Nutrients, found that water-dense foods have the ability to aid in weight loss, especially in those who are categorized as obese.  

Cauliflower is also rich in choline, with 44.3 milligrams per cup, as well as sulforaphane. While the former is essential in promoting healthy body functioning, like cell growth and metabolism health, per a 2018 study published in Nutrients, sulforaphane, which is a specific antioxidant, is potentially effective against cancer in animals. It may also possibly slow prostate cancer growth, according to a 2018 study published in Current Pharmaceutical Design.

Nutritious ways to prepare cauliflower

What’s so great about cauliflower is all the ways in which it can be prepared. For example, if you’re looking for low-carb options, cauliflower is a substitute that can easily replace the macaroni in mac and cheese and the potatoes in mashed potatoes. It can also be put in a food processor so it can be made into dough for pizza or tortillas. However, if you really love the taste of cauliflower, you’re less likely to get the full flavor when it’s incorporated this way into recipes.

“The best way [to eat it] is the way you’ll enjoy it,” said Benson. “A great way is to pair it with some fat (like olive oil or avocado oil) to help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamin K. Roasted with other veggies, seasoned with salt and pepper, is always a simple, delicious option.” How you choose to include more cauliflower into your diet is your call. So let yourself get creative and finally realize that, wow, cauliflower grits are so delicious, so how the heck did you live so long without them? Paired with some fruit and an egg for protein, and you’ve got yourself a healthy way to start your day.

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