12 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

What It Means When You Have Muscle Spasms In Your Feet After Sex – Health Digest

Hananeko_Studio/Shutterstock As much as sex feels good, if we break it down and look at it from a technical standpoint, several things happen to your body during sex. Heart rate increases, genitals become engorged with blood causing them to swell, breathing turns into panting, moisture begins to secrete […]

1 min read

What Really Happens When You Don’t Wash Your Feet – Health Digest

Our body is covered in bacteria, and our feet are no exception. Thanks to the insulation of our socks and shoes, our feet serve as an optimal environment for bacteria to thrive in — and unfortunately, going sock-free in your shoes doesn’t make things any better. “Bacteria [like] to feed on waste products that come […]

1 min read

Stop Taking Ibuprofen If Your Feet Look Like This – Health Digest

More often seen in older adults, fluid retention is one possible side effect associated with the use of ibuprofen and other NSAIDs (per Drugs.com). Usually affecting the ankles, legs, and feet, this can lead to edema, in which the body’s tissues continue to hold water and the area begins to swell. In cases of ibuprofen-induced edema, […]

3 mins read

Do This With Your Feet To Reduce Those Annoying Middle-Of-The-Night Bathroom Breaks – Health Digest

Peopleimages/Getty Images Sometimes, a pesky middle-of-the-night bathroom trip can be easily explained. Maybe you drank a good bit of water or enjoyed a salty snack shortly before bedtime, both of which can have you running for the toilet. Other times, the cause of a midnight bathroom break isn’t so obvious. In these instances, you may […]