11 Mar, 2025
1 min read

Unexpected Signs You’re Eating Way Too Much Peanut Butter (And Why They’re Concerning) – Health Digest

The high fat content in peanut butter can lead to indigestion due to bloating caused by excess fat in the upper gastrointestinal tract (via O2 Fitness). Additionally, you could experience stomach pain if you have a sensitivity to certain chemicals present in peanut butter known as salicylates and amines, according to the Food Intolerance Dietitian.  […]

1 min read

The Pfizer Super Bowl Commercial Explained: What They’re Doing In The Fight Against Cancer – Health Digest

Pfizer says its vision is to live in “a world where people with cancer live better and longer lives.” To show its dedication to cancer research, 40% of its funds for research and development go to improving cancer therapy. In 2023, Pfizer’s medicine to help treat prostate cancer was approved, as was an antibody that […]

1 min read

Does Someone Know When They’re About To Die? – Health Digest

Penny Smith, who’s passionate about end-of-life advocacy and normalization of death, thinks that people who are close to death sometimes tell us that their time on earth has come to an end. “They might say, in no uncertain terms, ‘I’m dying soon,’ but often they tell us in metaphors,” she added.  They might say things like, […]