Little Known Foods Men Can Eat To Make Sex Last Longer – Health Digest
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Little Known Foods Men Can Eat To Make Sex Last Longer – Health Digest

For men, the desire to last as long as possible in bed — and the anxiety around sexual performance — can be all-consuming. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine revealed what most people consider to be an adequate length of time for a sexual encounter. According to the study, sex lasting from one to two minutes was too short, while 10 to 30 minutes fell into the category of too long. The most desirable length was anywhere from seven to 13 minutes. However, a 2005 study, also published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, showed that the average sex session topped out at about five minutes. 

According to Healthline, there are a number of things men can do to try and hold out in bed with their partners. Practices like pelvic floor exercises, biofeedback, and even masturbation can help keep climaxes at bay. However, there may be even simpler methods of lasting longer found right in your kitchen. 


Watermelon has long been regarded as a summer picnic staple, but this tasty, refreshing fruit may have some benefits in the bedroom as well. According to Healthline, watermelon is rich in the amino acid L-citrulline. This amino acid is ultimately converted in the body to nitric oxide, which can open up the blood vessels, making it easier to achieve and maintain an erection.

In support of the efficacy of L-citrulline, a 2011 study published in Urology showed that men with erectile dysfunction saw their erections return to their normal hardness after taking L-citrulline supplements. Men who added L-cirtulline to their diets also saw a marked boost in their sex lives. Whereas before treatment, these men were averaging 1.37 sex sessions each month, the addition of L-citrulline helped bring that number up to 2.3 sessions each month. Additionally, a 2014 study published in the Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences showed that male rats who ate watermelon were more likely to engage in sex with female rats, indicating that watermelon may be a viable libido booster. 

Dark chocolate

Although it might not be as sweet and tasty as milk chocolate, dark chocolate is most definitely the preferred choice when it comes to ramping up your sex life. Experts say that dark chocolate can spur the production of nitric oxide in your body. This will lower your blood pressure and reduce the chances of premature ejaculation, helping you last longer in bed. 

According to a 2018 study published in Molecules, dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, strong antioxidants that increase blood flow throughout the body, helping men to achieve and keep their erections and spurring feelings of arousal. Additionally, a 2016 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that men whose diets consisted of higher amounts of dark chocolate tended to have fewer issues with erectile dysfunction. This can be likely attributed to the high flavonoid content and its positive effects on cardiovascular health. 


Oysters have long been touted as an aphrodisiac, and their sexual properties have been the subject of some debate. But there may be some merit to the claim that oysters can be of use in the bedroom. According to Healthline, the high amount of zinc present in oysters can be helpful in improving both sexual prowess and fertility. Low zinc levels have been known to bring down testosterone and affect the quality of sperm. 

In addition to zinc, oysters have other properties that may play a role in enhancing sexual performance. Medical News Today reports that oysters contain an amino acid known as D-aspartic acid that could be a factor in the production of testosterone. They are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are often tied to better sexual performance. Their anti-inflammatory properties could also improve blood flow, making erections easier to achieve and maintain. There is still more research that needs to be done on the efficacy of oysters as an aphrodisiac, but adding a few to your plate couldn’t hurt. 


As it turns out, avocados are not just for guacamole. According to experts, the numerous nutrients in avocados can improve heart health, lowering levels of bad cholesterol and reducing arterial plaque buildup. This could be helpful in combating erectile dysfunction. In addition, although more research is needed, avocados’ high antioxidant content could give men a testosterone boost and help to ramp up their sex drive. 

Avocados are known to be rich in vitamins, such as E, C, and B-6, as well as potassium and magnesium. All of these can help your muscles and nerves function better and more effectively and can give you a surge of energy during sex. They are also said to keep men’s stamina up. The unsaturated fats and folic acid present in avocados can help increase energy and break down proteins, helping men to last longer in bed and keep their energy levels sky high. 


Blueberries, as well as blackberries and cherries, are packed with healthy antioxidants and flavonoids that could be a game changer for men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction. A 2016 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that men who ate fruit saw a 14% reduction in their risk of developing erection problems. For men who ate foods rich in flavonoids, that risk was reduced by 21%. The blood flow aided by the consumption of flavonoids can also help men stay erect for longer periods of time, increasing and improving sexual performance. 

In addition, blueberries contain anthocyanins that may come with a host of beneficial sexual side effects for both men and women. In men, anthocyanins can help in sperm production and health and, for those looking to conceive, can also make it easier for the sperm and egg to meet.  

Fatty fish

Fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which enhance blood flow and improve dopamine levels. They are also high in vitamin D, which helps to regulate levels of testosterone. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are abundant in fish oil and contribute to the normal function of men’s reproductive system. These acids also help spur blood flow, particularly to the penis. The vascular benefits of fish oil are such that, over time, they can help you achieve and maintain harder erections that last longer. 

Reportedly, fish oil can also help in the production of testosterone, and can be beneficial overall for men’s testicular health. According to a 2020 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, men who reported adding fish oil to their diets had larger testicles, higher quality semen, and more semen volume.


High blood pressure can not only be dangerous; it can also be a libido killer. Healthline reports that the interruption of blood flow caused by hypertension can also affect the flow of blood to the genitals, making erections difficult. And it’s not just men who are impacted. Women with high blood pressure can also find their sex drive lowered and experience low blood flow to the vagina. Drinking beetroot juice has been shown to lower blood pressure and open up blood vessels. The high nitrate content in beets may play a role in their ability to combat hypertension and erectile issues. 

Beetroot can also provide a boost of stamina and energy, which can help one out between the sheets. A 2020 study published in the Journal of Nutritional Medicine and Diet Care showed that beetroot is high in betaine and boron, both of which can keep energy levels up. Boron can also play a role in the production of testosterone, increasing virility, and, hopefully, enhancing your bedroom performance.  


The key to ramping up your sexual function may lie right in your kitchen cabinet. A 2019 study published in Nutrients showed that men who added just a half a cup of nuts to their daily diet saw their sexual desire, performance, and the quality of their orgasms all improve. While the study could not explicitly state why this was the case, the antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids present in nuts may be a factor. 

In general, nuts also tend to be high in L-arginine, omega-3, and magnesium. All of these can help with vasoconstriction, relaxing blood vessels and leading to firmer, longer-lasting erections. They are also high in zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, which can help raise and regulate levels of testosterone in the body. In particular, vitamin E, which can be found in almonds, pine nuts, and pistachios, is often referred to as the “sex vitamin,” raising your libido and keeping your sexual hormones in balance. 


Believe it or not, bananas are a sexual superfood. They’re rich in a number of nutrients that come with a wide range of sexual benefits. Bananas are loaded with potassium, which is helpful in the production of testosterone while also increasing the libido and helping men to last longer in bed. They’re also a good source of both bromelain and vitamin B, which are key for helping with everything from sexual desire to virility and overall performance. 

In addition, bananas are known to be rich in manganese and magnesium, both of which are essential for prostate health and function. They’re also loaded with a vast amount of healthy vitamins, including vitamin A, B1, and C. These vitamins are key in producing healthier sperm and can be beneficial for overall sperm productivity. And, lastly, bananas have a high amount of tryptophan, which can increase serotonin production, boosting both mood and sexual desire. 

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