Eating Avocado Has A Little-Known Effect On Your Prostate – Health Digest
Although red meat, eggs, and butter are well-known for their cholesterol content, plants have their own cholesterol — called phytosterols — that block unhealthy cholesterol absorption. Avocados have on average 76 milligrams of beta-sitosterol, one type of phytosterol, per 100 grams. According to a 2001 analysis in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, avocados are highest in beta-sitosterol compared to 19 other common fruits consumed in the United States.
If beta-sitosterol can lower your cholesterol, how might it help your prostate? You might know beta-sitosterol better as the primary ingredient in saw palmetto, which is often sold as a supplement for prostate health. A 2023 review in the American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology found that beta-sitosterol can suppress and kill prostate cancer cells in the lab, but not as effectively as current prostate cancer treatments.
Beta-sitosterol has also been shown in human studies to reduce urinary symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Although beta-sitosterol can’t shrink an enlarged prostate, it can block the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). An excess of DHT is associated with an enlarged prostate. Beta-sitosterol’s effect on blood cholesterol means there isn’t as much cholesterol to be converted to testosterone and subsequently to DHT.