Drinking Cranberry Juice Every Day Has An Unexpected Effect On The Way We Age – Health Digest
It’s a fact of life that you can’t turn back the clock or stop the aging process. However, drinking cranberry juice may help slow the effects of age-related progressive cell damage within your system.
All-natural cranberry juice comes straight from fresh cranberries. In its purest form and without any additives or preservatives, cranberry juice has a sour taste despite its natural sugar content of 31 grams per cup, according to WebMD. For this reason, many people find unsweetened cranberry juice a difficult drink to enjoy. But even if you don’t like its tartness, you might still want to add it to smoothies or mix it with other all-natural beverages, especially if you’re interested in making the most of its anti-aging potential.
What gives cranberry juice a possible anti-aging edge? The primary answer is the beverage’s high amounts of antioxidants; cranberry juice has plenty of antioxidant sources, including vitamin C and compounds such as peonidin and quercetin.
Antioxidants to slow aging
How do antioxidants available in foods like cranberry juice reportedly fight against the aging process? For one, they may help keep free radical compounds in check. As explained by Healthline, free radicals aren’t necessarily bad, but they need to be balanced by antioxidants. Without antioxidants, free radicals can cause damage at a molecular level. As the damage accumulates, the body’s system may start to wear down faster than it should.
Another way antioxidants may protect against premature aging is by enabling the skin to work more predictably and effectively. A 2022 article in Antioxidants noted that plant-based antioxidants seemed to have the ability to reduce skin inflammation and dehydration, allowing the skin to remain plump and activated. Similarly, experts say that antioxidants may keep skin conditions like psoriasis from developing (via Medical News Today). And the less stress the skin endures, the less it may appear to age.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that consuming antioxidants from cranberry juice or other sources can extend anyone’s life. As researchers stated in a 2022 Neutraceuticals study, the link between antioxidants and extended lifespan hasn’t been proven yet. Regardless, there seems to be value in adopting an antioxidant-friendly diet, particularly for those who like the idea of fueling their bodies with foods linked to anti-aging.
Additional benefits of cranberries
Beyond possibly looking younger and feeling better, you can gain additional advantages from bringing cranberry juice and cranberries into your world. For example, if you struggle with constant urinary tract infections (UTIs), you may find relief by incorporating cranberry products into your daily routine. These products don’t have to include cranberry juice, either. Potent cranberry supplements may help ward off UTIs, too.
A 2024 meta-analysis published in European Urology Focus found evidence to support reliance on cranberry juice to decrease both UTI symptoms and incidents in participants, compelling the authors to recommend cranberry juice as a possible preventative solution for UTIs.
Want another reason to purchase cranberry juice more frequently? You could end up with fewer cavities, which might make your smile seem younger, too. A 2024 study in Current Developments in Nutrition examined the dental outcomes of applying a commonly available brand of cranberry juice to the teeth to inhibit the production of plaque. Researchers found that swishing the mouth with cranberry juice appeared to keep plaque from forming on the teeth as quickly as it otherwise might.