The Unexpected Side Effects Of Masturbating Frequently – Health Digest
Experiencing guilt is a common and unexpected side effect of masturbation, which can be linked to various factors, including social stigma, religious views, culture, trauma, and more. “Feeling guilty after masturbating is often deeply rooted, influenced by cultural messages and internalized beliefs about sex going back to childhood,” licensed therapist Megan Ann Corrieri told Choosing Therapy. “The […]
When You Forget To Pee After Masturbating, This Is What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest
The risk of getting a UTI, in general, is higher in women than in men, mainly because of differences in anatomy. So peeing after sex or self-pleasure becomes even more important for those born as women. Women’s urethras are shorter and also located close to the vagina and rectum, making it not only easier to […]
When You Stop Masturbating, This Is What Happens To Your Sleep – Health Digest
Endorphins, vasopressin, oxytocin, norepinephrine, and serotonin are some other hormones involved in an orgasm that can also put you right to sleep. As explained by sexologist Rebecca Alvarez Story (via Well+Good), while endorphins act as natural painkillers and make you feel more relaxed, vasopressin and oxytocin work against the stress hormones in your system. High levels of stress hormones, specifically […]