What Is ‘Pink Cocaine’? Doctor Tells Us Ugly Truth About The Drug Tangled Up In Liam Payne’s Death – Health Digest
Jeff Spicer/Getty Images One Direction singer Liam Payne reportedly had a mix of methamphetamines, ketamine, and MDMA in his system when he fell from a Buenos Aires hotel balcony and died, according to an initial toxicology report (via ABC News). This recreational mix of drugs is known as […]
What Is Smegma? The Smelly Truth About Our Bodies – Health Digest
Although the combination of oils, dead skin cells, debris, and other fluids that accumulate by way of smegma is harmless, and smegma isn’t a sexually transmitted disease or infection, it does become a matter of personal hygiene. For starters, the smell can be pretty bad. This is because all of what gets collected at the head of […]
Is There Any Truth To The ‘Feed A Cold, Starve A Fever’ Saying? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest
When you get a fever, both calorie use and metabolism increase in your body, so it’s important to fuel it with the nutrients it needs, according to the clinical instructor of internal medicine at NYU Langone Health, Dr. Albert Ahn (via Health). “When you have a fever, it is essentially increasing your body’s temperature to fight […]