If You Don’t Drink This Fruity Beverage, Your Early Death Risk Increases – Health Digest
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If You Don’t Drink This Fruity Beverage, Your Early Death Risk Increases – Health Digest

According to a 2016 study published in the journal Nature Medicine, a certain molecule found in pomegranates – urolithin — has the ability to transform gut microbes in such a way that it boosts the natural ability of our cells to recycle something called mitochondria. Mitochondria are considered the powerhouses of cells, meaning they generate the energy needed for various cellular processes and their survival. Degrading mitochondria – something that happens with aging – is thought to be related to weakening muscles and age-related diseases like Parkinson’s, per Science Daily. While Parkinson’s disease in itself is not fatal, health complications that arise with this neurodegenerative disease could reduce a person’s life expectancy. 

Additionally, phytocompounds found in pomegranate were associated with preventing the development of various chronic diseases, including metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases, according to a 2021 study published in the International Journal of Functional Nutrition. Consuming just half a glass of pomegranate juice along with a handful of dates can offer significant protection against atherosclerosis, which is a risk factor for heart attack or stroke, per a 2015 study published in Food & Function. Heart disease is thought to be the leading cause of death in the U.S. 

Speaking of causes of death, pomegranate can offer protection against the second-leading cause of death too — cancer, per a 2015 study published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Polyphenols found in the fruit were thought to suppress cancer cell growth and inhibit spread of the disease. 

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