November 25, 2023
Avoid This Underwear Mistake If You Don’t Want An Infection – Health Digest
Cotton will keep things dry and cool, but you also need underwear that fits properly. Underwear that is too tight can cause chafing andĀ openings in the skin allow bacteria to enter. Finding a breathable pair of undies that fit you well works best since they expand and contract with your skin and movements. Avoiding underwear […]
Eat This High-Protein Cheese To Improve Your Gut Health – Health Digest
Skynesher/Getty Images You know it when you eat something that disagrees with you. Your stomach might make strange noises, or you could feel gassy. Sometimes stress can make your gut react to just about everything. Needless to say, your gut health is important. When you eat food, your stomach, intestines, and colon work to break […]