12 Mar, 2025
1 min read

Celebrities That Have The Rarest Eye Features – Health Digest

While central heterochromia involves only the inner rings around the pupils, some people have what’s known as segmental heterochromia. While segmental and central heterochromia share some overlap in traits, segmental heterochromia can be more noticeable, as it often appears as a larger splotch on the iris of either one or both eyes (via Healthline). According […]

1 min read

Avoid Eating Cauliflower If You Have This Medical Condition – Health Digest

Just 100 grams of cauliflower contains two grams of dietary fiber, per the U.S. Department of Agriculture – and for someone with COPD, the excess gas that’s produced during the digestive process of this fiber can become problematic.  In general, “when gut bacteria break down and ferment fiber, gas [hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide] is created […]

1 min read

Signs Your Swelling Is Actually Prostate Cancer – Health Digest

Your lymph nodes play a key role in your immune system, attacking germs and infections to get your body back to health. When you’re sick, you might notice the swelling of the lymph nodes in your neck as the lymphocytes do their work. Your body’s lymphatic system is similar to your blood vessels, only the […]

1 min read

Eat This Type Of Fruit To Protect Your Prostate – Health Digest

The cancer-fighting properties of citrus fruits may be due to their high flavonoid content. Flavonoids are natural compounds that lessen inflammation and protect against cell damage from free radicals, two factors believed to contribute to cancer development, explains the Cleveland Clinic. The peels of citrus fruits are particularly rich in flavonoids. In a 2013 study […]