13 Mar, 2025
1 min read

Tell-Tale Signs A Person Is In Pain At The End Of Life – Health Digest

In some cases, a dying person may be able to vocalize that they’re experiencing pain. If not, take note of their body language. If the person grimaces, moans, stiffens, tightens their fists, or clenches their teeth — particularly if this occurs while you’re attempting to shift or reposition them — then these are indications the […]

1 min read

Tell-Tale Signs Imposter Syndrome Is Taking Over Your Life (And How To Overcome It) – Health Digest

Imposter syndrome can also show up in the form of perfectionism or even denial (per StatPearls). If you’re crediting happenstance as the reason for your success or downplaying your own knowledge or skill set, these can be signs of imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome can also show up as fear, most predominantly fear of failure, or […]

1 min read

The Tell-Tale Signs Of Brain Death – Health Digest

Brain death differs from a coma. A person who is brain-dead is considered dead, while a person in a coma is not. Although a comatose person is unconscious, the brain is still working and they are therefore not considered dead (per Better Health Channel). Oppositely, an individual who is brain dead may still be breathing, have a […]

1 min read

Tell-Tale Signs These Foods Aren’t Safe To Eat – Health Digest

When you think there might be a food shortage or other disaster, there’s a good reason that people reach for canned goods. These have a long shelf life, unmatched by other foods in your pantry. But even precious cans of food can go bad eventually. This is especially true if they weren’t stored at the […]