March 15, 2024
End-Of-Life Signs That Are Actually Treatable – Health Digest
Hypercalcemia is most common in people with advanced stages of cancer, particularly multiple myeloma and cancers related to the breast, lungs, and kidneys. It is thought to occur because of changes in the dying person’s bones. Symptoms include fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, bone pain, feeling parched, increased peeing, constipation, confusion, delirium, sleepiness, and […]
What Happens To Your Sleep When You Stop Eating Carbs – Health Digest
Because carbohydrates enhance tryptophan uptake, you may not feel that same pull toward sleep when you stop eating carbs. Additionally, you’ll no longer experience the same spike in blood sugar levels that occurs after eating refined carbs like white bread or potato chips. Sudden increases in blood sugar levels followed by an inevitable sugar crash […]
This Is What Happens To Your Kidneys When You Take Ibuprofen Every Day – Health Digest
While the research on long-term NSAID use is limited, the Pharmacology Research & Perspectives scientific review highlights a study in which taking NSAIDs every day for over a year was found to be linked with an increased risk for chronic kidney disease. Also referred to as chronic kidney failure, CKD occurs when kidney function breaks […]
When You Follow The Carnivore Diet, Here’s What Happens To Your Weight – Health Digest
With a meat-only diet, what you’re automatically also doing is cutting out carbs, processed foods, and sugary treats. Restricting all of these can be beneficial when you’re looking to shed some pounds. Although, carbs are your body’s default source of energy, excess carb intake along with consuming highly processed foods and sugary treats can lead […]