12 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

What Happens If You Eat Lead-Contaminated Cinnamon – Health Digest

Anjelika Gretskaia/Getty Images Cinnamon provides a warming taste and smell to your favorite baked goods and lattes, but check the label of the cinnamon in your pantry. According to Consumer Reports, some brands have more lead in a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon than anyone should have in a […]

1 min read

Eating Cinnamon Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Bones – Health Digest

Cinnamon contains a few nutrients that contribute to overall bone health — potassium, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin K.   Dietary potassium helps maintain bone density by neutralizing acid load and reducing calcium loss, while calcium has always been linked to overall bone health. Whether it’s maintaining bone strength or structure, aiding bone development, preventing the weakening of bones, […]

1 min read

What Happens To Your Gut When You Eat Cinnamon Every Day – Health Digest

A 2022 article in Nutrients looked at the relationship between how often people used culinary herbs and the composition of their gut bacteria. People who used herbs rich in polyphenols or with antibacterial properties had higher levels of Firmicutes and lower levels of Proteobacteria in the gut. Using multiple herbs frequently (more than three times […]

1 min read

Eating Cinnamon Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Brain Health – Health Digest

Researchers from a 2013 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease discuss how cinnamon contains two key Alzheimer’s-fighting compounds: cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin. Both of these compounds may help protect against the formation of what can be thought of as “knots” in our brain cells. These knots are caused by the clumping together of what’s […]