12 Mar, 2025
1 min read

Avoid This Common Poop Mistake If You Don’t Want Hemorrhoids – Health Digest

Researchers from a 2012 scientific review published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology explain how straining for long periods of time during a bowel movement boosts abdominal pressure. This added pressure placed on the body’s rectal veins can restrict blood flow back to the heart, causing the veins to swell. Sometimes alternatively referred to as […]

1 min read

Eating Peanut Butter Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Butt – Health Digest

Different protein sources are made of sequences of amino acids that have specific purposes for your body. Twenty amino acids are necessary for your body to function, but your body can make 11 of them. That means you’d only need to get nine amino acids from your diet. Two tablespoons of peanut butter have all […]