The Underrated Kind Of Tea That Can Help Prevent Insomnia So You Sleep Like A Baby – Health Digest
Miniseries/Getty Images Getting enough rest is essential to your mental and physical health. Unfortunately, though, if you’re like 50 million people in the U.S., your rest regularly gets interrupted by a sleep disorder (via Cleveland Clinic). And one of the most common sleep disorders is insomnia. Far from […]
Science Says These Are The Best Foods To Eat If You Have Insomnia – Health Digest
Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock Getting your recommended seven hours of sleep doesn’t always come easy. Stress, alcohol, pain, and some medications can cause you to stare wide awake at your clock for several hours. While everyone might experience an occasional sleepless night, a 2019 article in the Journal of Clinical Sleep […]
Tricks To Fall Asleep Faster When Insomnia Hits You Hard After 50 – Health Digest
As you get older, you might laugh as you remember the many nights you stayed up well after midnight. You realize that those days are behind you, and you go to bed much earlier, sometimes 8 p.m. That also might mean shifting your evening meals earlier. A heavy meal before bed runs the risk of […]
Warning Signs Your Insomnia Is Actually Sleep Apnea – Health Digest
As outlined in a 2019 research article published in Brain Sciences, there is such a thing as joint insomnia and sleep apnea — aptly named comorbid insomnia and sleep apnea (COMISA). With prevalence rates standing at approximately 30% to 50%, people with the disorder often experience fatigue, daytime sleepiness, poor quality of sleep, and more. […]