What Happens To Your Gut When You Eat Lots Of Bread – Health Digest
A 2020 systematic review in Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture looked at 35 research studies that investigated how whole grains impact the bacteria in the gut. Most of the studies found that whole grains encourage the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Both bifidobacteria and lactobacilli ferment your carbs into short-chain fatty acids that […]
What Happens To Your Blood Pressure When You Eat Lots Of Peanut Butter – Health Digest
A tablespoon (16 grams) of reduced-sodium peanut butter has 94 calories and just under 4 grams of protein. Despite peanut butter having 8 grams of fat, 6 of those fat grams come from heart-healthy unsaturated fat. Calcium, magnesium, and potassium are three minerals that can help manage your blood pressure, and peanut butter provides 41 […]
What Happens To Your Gut When You Eat Lots Of Chicken – Health Digest
According to microbiome researcher and BIOHM Health co-founder Mahmoud Ghannoum, eating chicken can have a direct effect on your mood because of how the amino acid tryptophan found in this meat impacts your gut health (via Parade). “[Tryptophan] has been linked to higher levels of the hormone serotonin (the ‘feel good’ hormone) in our brain,” explained Ghannoum, who also […]
What Happens To Your Gut Health When You Eat Lots Of Eggs – Health Digest
Eggs are often recommended by gut health doctors because they are affordable and packed full of gut-friendly nutrients like vitamins A and D, omega-3 fatty acids, and the amino acid methionine. If you were privy to the research surrounding the choline content in eggs and the idea that it increases the production of trimethylamine-n-oxide, or TMAO, in […]
What Happens To Your Gut Health When You Eat Lots Of Bananas – Health Digest
With the conversation around maintaining a healthy gut taking precedence recently, people are looking for the right foods to eat and ones to avoid. Bananas fall into the former category. The soluble fiber in bananas is essential nutrition for healthy gut microbiomes – probiotics, per The Healthy. A healthy gut is a prerequisite for many things […]
What Happens To Your Gut Health When You Eat Lots Of Peanut Butter – Health Digest
When it comes to gut health, it’s about balancing the bacteria that’s good for you with the ones that aren’t so good for you, shared nutritionist Sam Gold with Stylist. A healthy body has both of these helpful and harmful gut microbes co-existing side-by-side. According to a 2020 study published in the British Journal of […]
What Happens To Your Bones When You Eat Lots Of Peanut Butter – Health Digest
You might think peanut butter is a sweet treat, but it’s packed with nutrients. Like others in the tree nut family, it’s got a few essential vitamins and minerals your bones love, like vitamin K, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B, and magnesium. For example, per the USDA, peanut butter has .135 micrograms of vitamin K. While […]
What Happens To Your Cholesterol When You Eat Lots Of Peanut Butter – Health Digest
Three types of fats can be present in different foods. Trans fats, also known as partially hydrogenated oils, are processed oils that are solidified. You’ll find trans fats in fried foods, baked goods, and some of your favorite pie crusts. Because trans fats can raise your LDL cholesterol, the American Heart Association suggests nixing trans […]